Looking for feedback on any who have exported entire surescripts pharmacy list to EMR after being live for a while. We were exporting as needed so we didn't have a huge list to sort through but the list has grown anyways and with epcs especially, we want our on call providers to be able to send to vacationing patients anytime anywhere. We had a pharmacy who wouldn't accept fax and just creating some issues lately with limited people being able to add. Thanks.
No we actually removed all of the unused pharmacies and now add them in as needed. Not sure if a Provider can prescribe a narcotic in a state he is not licensed in?
In the end, GE said per surescripts, if pharmacy info changes, it doesn't update back to the EMR and they won't fix it until they have to so we would likely have incorrect info pretty fast with that kind of volume so we will have to add and may have to even create on call for some situations. I'll file RFE to see if they can make it a direct lookup in EMR to the surescripts list. Thanks.