Good afternoon all,
Awhile back I posted a question on how you were handling the purging of charts. Now the last time I asked, there were several who responded that you were marking the chart as "Inactive" when they reached your criteria to 'purge'.
We had a discussion today where it was brought up that if you have access to a patient's records and they request them, you have to give it to them. So for those of you that are marking the charts as 'Inactive'. Do you treat that as 'you no longer have access to it'? Have you had situations like that come up?
We have the same concerns about purging old data, not only for inactive patients, but old documents, obs, orders, audit logs, etc. for continuing patients. GE has nothing in place at all, and offered to point me to the data dictionary! I know HOW to purge data, but don't want to break anything. Has anyone attempted a CPS purge?