We are preparing to upgrade from CPS 12.0 to CPS 12.3.3 and will be utilizing a Server Farm with Windows Server 2012 R2 servers for staff to access CPS. While previously testing on a Windows Server 2012 Server (not R2), we learned that staff using the billing grid could not use the mouse scroll wheel to scroll through records in the list view, but in all other list views they were able to use the mouse scroll wheel. AthenaHealth informed us that this was a known issue with Windows Server 2012 and that CPS 12.3.3 would need at minimum a Windows Server 2012 R2 server to resolve this, however we are still running into this issue with R2.
Our network admin ran one of the Microsoft hot fixes but that did not resolve the issue.
Has anyone else ran into this problem and if so would you be willing to share your fix for the PM billing grid mouse scrolling issue? Thanks.
Are you using citrix on top of 2012R2 or just RDS?
Just RDS
Did you ever get resolution? We have the same issue