In the View My Health summary page on portal - been testing it. If they mark a lab as sensitive there is no control to not allow patient to view lab sensitive items when patients are viewing their lab in the portal.
Would like the ability to block the content marked sensitive by either a general classification, or mark individual items in the lab report. The only way to prevent this is to make the entire chart sensitive, then the patient can't sign up.
These are also released/reported on the CDA and Clinical Visit Summary.
GE's response: Identified issue with Service LAyer. Settings are not available to restrict data except to state that Service Layer does not have access to Sensitive charts. Known limitatins of Service Layer in GE. SMPP 6.4. EMR CISDB00061655
I'm not sure how you are sending your labs to the portal. We use the Kryptiq ACM module and we can control what labs are sent, and per our physicians only normal labs send automatically after they are signed. We can still send abnormal to the portal but it is a manual process for our staff to ensure an explanation of the labs is also sent. Using this line of thought maybe you can block a lab altogether based on it's name vs. if it's sensitive?
Steph B.
You can control the labs sent to the patient, but the labs visible when the patient logs into their portal account "View My Summary" will all be there because it basically pulls what the Clinical Visit Summary pulls which is everything. If yours is different I would love to talk further.
It's my understanding that the My Record is a real time pull through the service layer, no longer handled through a flowsheet where you had control over what went to the portal.
A clinic we did the 9.8 EAP program with discovered this pretty early in the process and escalated it up with GE/Kryptiq in that process. It is a redesign issue with the service layer pull and GE/Kryptiq leadership are working together on a solution.
I sure hope it gets fixed soon. It doesn't seem to be a good practice to be including deleted (filed in error) information or sensitive information in a CCDA, Clinical Visit Summary or Portal Account. Sensitive information requires an additional release before WE release it from our EMR.