We are running CPS12 and are using the CPOE-CCC form for the assessment and plan. We are encountering a problem that seems to be increasing in frequency.
When the providers select the diagnosis dropdown list (under assessment #1, #2 etc.) to associate their assessment to a problem/diagnosis code, the field is blank even though the patient has multiple problems listed on the problem list.
The only solution that we've discovered is to remove the form, add the form back in, put the document on hold, completely log out and back in. This works about 50% of the time. When this fix does not work, they are free typing in the problem/diagnosis field. Our providers are growing increasingly frustrated with this problem.
Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Casey,
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but more of an alternative for you to consider:
I believe your practice is already using the Blackbird Content Framework for ICD-10 management, but we've recently added an optional Assessment and Plan module as well, which is currently in beta-testing and could help get around some of the issues you describe above. The module includes spell-checking, text-formatting, and can automate a great deal of the provider workflow in a problem-oriented fashion. If you think any of your providers would be interested in participating in the beta-test, please let me know. I'd be happy to do a demo for you and/or Joel Love, and it'd be a simple matter to turn the feature on for your practice (since you are already Blackbird users).
David Gonzalez MD
Blackbird Solutions, Inc.