A lot of our providers are getting errors in their error log from the office visit that go something like this:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_SYMBOL'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.SYMBOL'. The duplicate key value is (1768406387975890, Document, FIELD5_3058_305_1394207042).
Based on this SQL insert:
I've asked GE a few times about it, and they always point to my custom forms and won't help me any. Has anyone seen these errors before and possible know of a workaround?
When this error starts spamming the error log, the user will be be getting a lot of <-VOID errors throughout forms, letters and handouts. It seems to attach to the user and anything they use will have MEL code on it. We have been unsuccessful at fixing it for the user, but the nightly maintenance does fix it for them so they may or may not have it again the next day.
GE has created an SPR for this defect: CISDB00053149