I am currently working on a charge interface and am finding that not all my charges are going into the charge file. For example, I have one patient where 3of 4 charges (signed at the same time) are in the file but one of them is not. So far, GE has not been able to determine what is causing this and think its a workflow issue. Has anyone working with a charge interface experienced this or has a suggestion?
Thank you
I have had a slightly different issue with patient charges not exporting at all...randomly. I honestly didn't even think to check that all the lines were properly exporting. I will need to check this.
We ended up extending our time between exports from 1 minute to 2 minutes. That helped with our issue for the most part. What is your export time set to?
Ours is set to just once a day from 6p to 10p
Hmmm, so weird - do these charges happen to be during the 6pm-10pm timeframe?
the missing charges are not during the 6p to 10p time frame - that is what is so strange. I can have a provider order and sign orders at the same time - and not all of them end up in the charge file.