We are returning to a Citrix environment and we are having difficulty obtaining a successful Rx script print job from EMR 9.10.3 . We have excluded Windows10 and Windows policies impacting the successful print job. Our Rx printer, Star TSP800II (TSP847II) version 2.1, receives the print job but the job just continues to spool and the Rx printer will keep printing out blank script paper if the printer is not turned off. We are wondering if we are missing something with Crystal reports Active X Designer files and/or missing some setting within the EMR app. We have confirmed the only driver version that exist in the environment are 2.1.
In addition to the above information, a flag was created within the EMR that indicated the following: "Failed Eligibility Reuqest: problem in sending RxHub Eligibility Request to Central".
I know you said you have rules out the device driver but have you unchecked the "Enable advanced printing features" option in the Advanced properties of the printer? Sometimes that has helped with head-scratching printer problems.
Thanks David for your input. Unfortunately, no difference in our printing result. We are going to go down the route of something missing in our XenApp/XenDesktop environments.