Good Monday Morning to you all!
Wondering if this group could assist? We have 1 provider out of all that keeps getting the same crash error when trying to prescribe meds. It is periodic and I have opened a case with our VAR but haven't had much luck as of yet so thought I would try here as well. I just can't seem to figure out what he is doing different that the rest of the the providers that would cause this continued error. He is prescribing the same meds as others, same workflow....we have rebuilt a profile for him and sat many hours with him but still seem to be lost as to what to do.
Thanks in advance if you all have any ideas..... here is the first part of the error:
EmrServiceLayerException: Errors during Drug Ineraction Override save - personID : personID value: 1615494044627500 is different from the document value: 1615494139059000;
Might have answered my own question with a search on this error so wanted to post the link to the other question here:
We are going to try the recommendation from the post and see if it works.
One of our providers is having a similar situation happen to him at least 2x a day if not more. The difference with our provider though is he gets completely kicked out of EMR after signing orders. I opened a support ticket with Quatris and i was told it was a known issue and there was no fix at the moment but the work around would be for the provider to clear IE cache. Provider has done so but keeps getting kicked out, really frustrating.