Wondering if others are seeing this same issue.
I have a handful of users (maybe 5 or 6) out of 35 that periodically will get to a point where their CPS12 chart module starts behaving strangely (and very slow). The easiest symptom to describe is what we have affectionately (sarcasm intended) come to call "crop circles" or "crop circles of death". The familiar spinning circle icon when awaiting a window to be painted by the application (on a side note does anyone know the official name of this icon?). For these users the "crop circles" can last well over 30 seconds before the new patient chart will display (as compared to a second or two under "normal" circumstances).
Once they start getting the Crop Circles issue other things can happen too such as the banner does not display or when they click on the orders button nothing will happen. Not all these other issues arise for everyone, but the crop circles/extreme slowness is the one common denominator.
The only fix that seems to be the cure all (at least for several days for the user) is to delete their Windows User profile by going in to REGEDIT.
Of course doing this removes desktop items, their email configuration, IE favorites, Dragon configuration, etc.which must all be reconfigured. I have it down to a science that I can remove their profile and then add everything back within about 15 or 20 minutes depending on the user type.
The bigger issue is it is usually during a very busy clinic that this happens and them being without the PC for the 15-20 minutes for me to "reset" their profile is a killer.
Anyone else seen this? Anyone else having to Delete Profiles to get CPS to function normal?
Obviously if I knew what deleting the profile was doing to help make CPS behave properly maybe there would be a fix that was not so drastic.
Any thoughts from anyone would be much appreciated.
We are running fat clients on Windows 7 pcs. This issue seems to have started when we moved to CPS12 last December and we are now on 12.7.
On the surface it may sound as if this a "USER" profile related issues but in all reality this is a CPS issue.
We get this often where a user is attempting to open a patients chart and no matter what they do, the chart would not load.
I have to run the following script(s)
1. Grab patient info. Replace 'xxxxx' with the patientID
select masterlock, * from PatientProfile where PatientId = 'xxxxx'
2. Replace 'nnn' with pid from patient
FindChartOpenIssues @Pid = 'nnn'
3. Copy the results from the table end execute it; the result(s) from above will be the script that you run
See how that helps.
Crop circles of death. I like it. 🙂 The app is waiting for something. Results from a database query, JBoss to respond, or similar. Interesting that removing the profile in the registry is at least a fix. I wouldn't expect that.
I'd start with task manager, resource monitor, and procmon. The hard part I'm sure is duplicating the problem at will. When it starts, does it continue indefinitely? If so that makes it easier.
In task manager, go to view > select columns, and check PID, Mem working set, mem private working set, mem commit size, mem paged pool, mem non-paged pool, page fault delta, handles, threads, user objects, GDI objects, and command line. Any of these values out of norm (other than command line which is just super nice to know) can point you in a direction.
In resource manager, I'd start under Disk and sort by total (B/sec) to see if disk I/O is a possible issue. Same for Network.
If one or both of those reveal a suspect process, then bring up procmon and filter on that process to see what specifically it is doing. If something in the registry is hanging up the app, I suspect you'll see the process keep hitting the same key, or scanning the same branch repeatedly. Something along those lines is my initial guess.
Also on a side note, can someone please tell me where all of my nice formatting goes when I click the submit button?!?!
Thanks for the input. You are correct that it is not something we can make happen on demand. However when it starts happening it seems to stay fairly consistent. Simply rebooting does not fix it.
As I said earlier, so far the only fix seems to be removing the profile via REGEDIT. I don't understand how the Windows users profile can possibly affect performance of CPS.
When the crop circle issue starts we can log on to the workstation as a different user and CPS behaves normally, but as soon as we log on to the PC as the user with the "crop circles" issue they are still there.
We remove their profile using REGEDIT and they are back to "normal" (for a while).
What part of the profile could even be related.....???
There are many occurrences of Centricity in the registry. When you delete a profile in regedit, are you removing the HKU\ branch of the particular user account? If not, can you be more specific there?
I just exported one of our HKU\ registry branches. The word "Centricity" appears 402 times.
Edit: To reiterate, procmon will probably show you what's happening.
I drill down to and delete:
Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > MICROSOFT > Windows NT > CurrentVersion > ProfileList > {User entry with the issue}
Does this answer your question?
Next time I have the issue happen I will take a look using procmon, but not being familiar with it I am not sure if the problem will jump out at me. But this definitely gives me a path to investigate that I have not looked at yet.
Thanks for the pointers/suggestions.
Yes, that's the registry path I was wondering about. I'm curious if you export it before you delete it, then have the user log in again, what changes? You might compare the before and after to see what changes. That could also give you a direction to go.
For example, I'd be curious if the ProfileImagePath key changes. Sometimes that might change to C:\Users\loginname.000 for example.
No solution but had to comment on "crop circles of death". teehee 🙂
I will be using that one!
We are having the same issue actually. So this information is quite helpful.
Yesterday I had a user with the "Crop Circles of Death". I had the luxury of trying to do some of the troubleshooting recommended above by SLHV.
I must admit using the Procmon utility is something new to me and I am not sure if I was able to detect anything relevant.
I should also mention I tried using the Windows Easy Transfer tool to "pretend" that I was moving the User's Profile to another machine. I followed the tools prompts and exported the user's profile to the hard drive and then reversed the process and "transferred" the user to the same PC (i.e. imported the user's profile). Unfortunately this did NOT resolve the "crop circles" issue. This would have been a much simpler and faster fix to the Crop Circles issue compared to deleting the users profile and adding it back which is the only fix i have found to work so far.
Below is an excerpt from the Procmon log during a period of Crop Circles (filtering on the CPOPM06.exe process). Any thoughts if the errors highlighted in bold are significant or not?
11:47:30.8697833 AM CPOPM06.exe 6416 RegQueryKey HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{92396AD0-68F5-11D0-A57E-00A0C9138C66} SUCCESS Query: HandleTags, HandleTags: 0x401
11:47:30.8697972 AM CPOPM06.exe 6416 RegOpenKey HKCU\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{92396AD0-68F5-11D0-A57E-00A0C9138C66} NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Maximum Allowed
11:47:30.8698072 AM CPOPM06.exe 6416 RegQueryValue HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{92396AD0-68F5-11D0-A57E-00A0C9138C66}\(Default) SUCCESS Type: REG_SZ, Length: 26, Data: RowsetHelper
11:47:30.8698158 AM CPOPM06.exe 6416 RegQueryKey HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{92396AD0-68F5-11D0-A57E-00A0C9138C66} SUCCESS Query: Name
11:47:30.8698237 AM CPOPM06.exe 6416 RegQueryKey HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{92396AD0-68F5-11D0-A57E-00A0C9138C66} SUCCESS Query: HandleTags, HandleTags: 0x401
11:47:30.8698370 AM CPOPM06.exe 6416 RegOpenKey HKCU\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{92396AD0-68F5-11D0-A57E-00A0C9138C66} NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Maximum Allowed
11:47:30.8698459 AM CPOPM06.exe 6416 RegQueryValue HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{92396AD0-68F5-11D0-A57E-00A0C9138C66}\(Default) SUCCESS Type: REG_SZ, Length: 26, Data: RowsetHelper
11:47:30.8698555 AM CPOPM06.exe 6416 RegQueryKey HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{92396AD0-68F5-11D0-A57E-00A0C9138C66} SUCCESS Query: Name
11:47:30.8698638 AM CPOPM06.exe 6416 RegQueryKey HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{92396AD0-68F5-11D0-A57E-00A0C9138C66} SUCCESS Query: HandleTags, HandleTags: 0x401
11:47:30.8698777 AM CPOPM06.exe 6416 RegOpenKey HKCU\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{92396AD0-68F5-11D0-A57E-00A0C9138C66}\InprocServer32 NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read
Procmon has a steep learning curve. The name not found simply means in this case that it tried to read a registry key but didn't find it. Programs do this all the time. That's quite normal.
Now if that is going over and over thousands of times, you might be onto something.
I'm hoping during the hang that procmon will show you what Centricity is really doing during that time.
Solution Found!!!!
...at least so farI am 3 for 3 in the last few days for users with the "crop circles of death" problem. In all 3 cases the users were still on Internet Explorer 9 and when they were upgraded to IE10 the Crop Circles problem instantly went away.
We have another application that does not work with IE11 or we would have just upgraded them to IE11.
I believe this is a solution. Previously we were deleting their user profile with regedit and that was a much more involved solution and only lasted a few days or weeks. I believe this IE10 upgrade is a permanent fix to this particular issue.
Mike M.