One of our providers started an office visit on a patient and it is now locked "In progress". Anytime someone tries to access that document it causes an error and the system either locks up or closes. It will not let us remove it or sign it to file it in error. We literally can't do anything with the document! Something else that is unusual about this document is that she entered the HPI and then 16 pages later is the vital signs. That is all that was entered on that document. Any ideas what is causing this document to have multiple blank pages or causing it to be locked "In progress"??
You'll probably need to fix the document using the SQL Server Management Studio. I have script I can email you but you'll need someone with SQL experience that can run it. If not you'll want to contact GE or our VAR either should be able to get you fixed up in a few minutes.
See if you can get a tool from your VAR called the Centricity Unlock tool. We use this in these situations and is generally successful. Otherwise you may have to submit a ticket to your VAR.
There is a SQL script you have to run to unlock the chart. Sometimes there is a problem with the data in the chart and some forms have issues that create the lock. Bovie is correct- you need SQL experience. I have the script as well.
Userid82, is right as well the Admin Toolbox should also take care of the issue. Sounds like you just need to kick it out of in progress so you can discard it.
You can download the admin toolbox here:
You can use either GE's CPS Admin Toolbox or a tool that a user here on CHUG's created called CPS Essentials. Both work equally well for unlocking charts.
Is this toolbox compatible with CPS11.0? I read through the user guide and it doesn't mention that it is compatible with this version.
this tool is so old not sure will it still work for cps 12.
We use this tool to remove corrupted documents and to unlock documents in Client Version:
Yes works great in CPS12. They haven't changed the "locking" system in the database.
Rereading this thread I think the Centricity Admin Toolbox is your best option. It can be downloaded at the GE SSO website.