Has anyone had problems with the Entry-CCC form corrupting an encounter when special characters are used in the edit boxes? Just wondering if it is a known issue.
Certain special characters can be treated by MEL as indicating code and can cause MEL vomit in your note. For example, using a curly bracket will cause the program to think that is the start of a MEL code block. Are there specific ones you are having issues with? It may be that those edit boxes are being read by functions and the special characters are causing one or more functions to misbehave as they try to manipulate the user data.
We have seen it happen when an apostrophe or hyphen is used in a statement within quotation marks.
For example "doesn't sleep" and "no similac-only Enfamil" are the statements that have caused a couple of our encounters to have a VERY slow response within the forms and also clears form content on tabs 3,4,and 5 of the Entry-CCC form. Though what had already been entered on those tabs prior to malfunction does remain in the text of the note.