We had a workstation recently present this error upon launch of CPS (12.3.3), Windows 10 fat/thick:
"Failed to create Scheduling control. Can not display schedule"
It was newly installed hardware and it did not matter which user was logged in to the application. This particular user also was able reproduce the error on another machine for a while then not. We opened a case with support and after several hours of troubleshooting they ended up telling us to reinstall the OS and everything. So we did and the problem went away (seemingly, for now) for that user. On another new machine we are running into this again and we feel like opening a new case will be a waste of time because they will just tell us to reinstall again. I just thought I would search here for help before begging for escalation or worse having a wide spread problem which would take down our clinic. CPS seems to work other than the schedule after this first error and if I click on schedule from the main menu I consistently receive the following error:
"VBScript Centricity Practice Solutions 9.0. MBCHub:::RegisterNode() Exception: -2147467259 - "
We have exceptions set in our anti-malware software and did not change anything else to cause the initial problem and other than keeping up with the monthly Windows updates.
Mike Zavolas
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic
This error code translates to the more familiar 0x80004005. Unfortunately this is a generic Windows error ( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-erref/705fb797-2175-4a90-b5a3-3918024b10b8). Often however, these error codes come from widely-used components that are used across many applications, so I searched for "RegisterNode() Exception: -2147467259" here's a couple I found that I'd be inclined to look into a bit.
Error due to a .NET permission problem: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/457b4874-3e8d-421a-a6e5-19dc947eb76c/sql-server-express-2008-setup-error-exit-code-2147467259?forum=sqlsetupandupgrade
Error due to a ODBC configuration problem: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P9UVSA0
If you're familiar with procmon and want to risk going down a rabbit hole, you might want to run it and cause the error.
I will look into this. Thank you