As of 1:30 Friday afternoon EST, our flags intermittently stopped routing to the correct intended location. Nothing was changed in our system and it started mid-day. We waited until the restarts over the weekend, but this is continuing to happen. The locations are correct and the set up is correct in admin but now we have peds scheduling getting MRI flags, etc. I have not seen or heard this as a bug in the system so I am confused as to what is going on all of a sudden. We are on CPS 12.3.2. Anyone else having weird routing of flags after an order on this version?
We didn't experience that but I have had complaints that the flags are sometimes not being send at all. We went live with 12.3.2 early September. I have not been able to identify a specific example but the audit trail with flags is limited.
I don't have a suggestion on the misrouted flags, but have seen where flags appear not to be routed at all.
We're on and recently observed a similar issue. Some of our flags attached to charts would appear on the patient summary page, but not on the desktop of the recipient.
We found if the flag status is null in the database, the flag failed to appear on the recipient user desktop. We now have a script that runs periodically to change flags with a status of null to a 0.
UPDATE [CentricityPM].[dbo].[FLAG] SET status='0' WHERE STATUS is null
We had the null flag issue as well. GE set up a stored procedure for us that runs daily. We're on EMR 9.8. This is the code to create it:
create or replace procedure cus_fixAllNullFlags
update flag set touser=-1 where touser is null;
update flag set fromuser=-1 where fromuser is null;
update flag set type=0 where type is null;
update flag set status=0 where status is null;
It can be scheduled with jobs.txt.