Our clinics upgraded from 12.1 to 12.3 on 10-1-18. We initially had a lot of push back from the users regarding the new Rx form which has been difficult. We have most of it worked out, but now I have a user reporting an issue that I am unsure how to resolve. Any help is greatly appreciated.
1. If the medication dosage requested differs from the med list it adds the med/dosage to the med list as a new entry. For example if the Rx request is for amlodipine 5mg but the med list says amlodipine 10mg, the form is adding the new dosage as a new entry onto the med list so that now amlodipine is listed twice with 2 different dosages.
2. If the pharmacy request is for 1/2 tab daily, but the med list says one tab daily, the form is changing the med list. For example, lisinopril 10mg 1/2 tab daily is requested but the chart says 10mg one daily, the form modifies the med list to what was requested, lisinopril 10mg 1/2 TAB DAILY.
I think it is an issue with the users not using the form correctly as I have been unable to replicate this issue myself but since I'm not the person actually sending these Rx's I thought I'd reach out here to see if anybody else is having any similar problems with this new Rx form. Thanks so much!
*Edit* This is not an issue with the Change Requests, it's an issue with the Rx refill requests. Thanks!
We are very new to 12.3, but as I understand it, the provider has to approve or deny these change requests. It seems like they are approving these change requests from the pharmacy, maybe unintentionally. Pages 18-28 of the CPS 12.3 Prescription Highlights might be useful for your providers. We gave this document as a handout to our providers, and I think it made the transition a little easier.CPS 12.3 EMR 2 - Prescription Highlights
Thanks for the quick reply, however I am talking about the refill request from the pharmacy, not the change requests. When the pharmacy requests a refill of a medication and the pt's med list doesn't EXACTLY match that request, the med list is automatically being changed to what the pharmacy asked for. I hope that makes sense. I apologize for not being clear. It's a confusing issue for sure.
This is apparently how the form is designed.
We went round and round with our VAR when we first upgraded.
Bottom line:The pharmacy erx request does not look at the patients med list but looks at what was originally prescribed.
For instance:
Original RX: Lasix 20mg one daily
Patient calls office and med is adjusted to 2 daily on med list
New ERX request: Lasix 20mg one daily- it comes in with no indication that it is different than the med list- no highlighting because it matches the original prescription- if you approve this without looking at the med list (because again it is not highlighted in any way)....it overwrites the med list instructions.
We now open the med list and compare every refill request to the med list.
The other issue that really irritates me is when I deny an erx request because it doesn't match the med list- it then overwrites the erx instructions making them identical to the med list instructions so it looks like I denied and then approved the same thing even though what I denied was completely different. This is a known issue KM38337
That is exactly what is happening. I just found a pt today who has a medication listed 3 different times. Since this is a known issue, I tried to look up the KM on the GE website but I couldn't find it. Do you know how I could get more information on this? It would be helpful to pass it on to the users so they know I did all I could. Thanks!
It is KM23402
Could someone on the thread comment if this still applies with SP2? I believe there is better reconciliation now and the differences are highlighted (but maybe it's highlighting compared to original rx and not active med list). Yikes...