I had hoped to be in the testing stage by now for IE11 but GE still does not support it as of 12.0.10. Has anyone heard from GE when they might be planning to support IE11?
I hope they don't expect us to be running IE 10 after Microsoft pulls the plug on security updates.
Mike Zavolas
Tallahassee neurological Clinic
I believe our entire facility almost is using windows 8, IE 11. Approximately 150 machines (local installs). No trouble so far and this is going on year 2. I should also note this has been CEMR 9.5 and beyond.
We are getting ready to test out IE11 enterprise mode for our CPS11 install.
"Enterprise Mode, a compatibility mode that runs on Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1 Update and Windows 7 devices, lets websites render using a modified browser configuration that’s designed to emulate either Windows Internet Explorer 7 or Windows Internet Explorer 8, avoiding the common compatibility problems associated with web apps written and tested on older versions of Internet Explorer."
I had a situation once, right after an upgrade, where a person was unable to do something in CPS. I opened a case and they quickly found that the machine was running IE11 (it go through my block attempts on a few machines). They uninstalled IE11 and CPS worked fine after that. It may have been CPS 10.1.3 or CPS 11.1 at the time.
Thanks for the TechNet link and the real world 150 user feedback
Mike Zavolas
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic
SureScripts Secure Messenger has issues with IE 11. Just had to downgrade all machines, which was not fun.
We experienced issues with IE11 almost a year ago - launching the truven education (back before it was inside the encounter) wouldn't work so we had to downgrade back to IE 10 in our citrix environment. We haven't tried again so I do not know if this has been fixed by GE/Truvan or not.
GE has released the Hardware Requirements for Service Pack 11. They can be viewed on page 7 of this document - https://engage.gehealthcare.com/docs/DOC-8630 It states that IE v11 will be supported in compatibility mode on CPS 12.0.11. What worries me is that the Surescripts components only work with IE 9 or 10.
rjandreski, does Surescripts require IE or would you be able to use Chrome?
We are running into more things which require Chrome than ever, and it is 3rd party GE vendors mainly.
Its good they aren't making us wait until 12.2 for IE11 support.
Windows 10 does not support IE version below 11. Use IE11 Enterprise Mode feature to configure IE compatibility mode to the specific version number.
We are also having issues with Secure Messaging and IE11. Specifically, all messaging features within CPS will not work. If we log in to secure messaging from outside CPS, from a regular browser, then it seems to work ok. But then you can't use any CPS/Messaging features, like sending documents from within a chart.
I downgraded my own desktop to IE10 just to test. It fixed the problems, but now at least 50% of the websites I go to are not rendering correctly. Some will just tell me that my browser is too old and not even let me use their site. (try linkedin.com from IE10 for an example) The bottom line is that IE10 is no longer a usable browser. So what do we do? Downgrade 90 PCs to IE10 for CPS and Surescripts, then install Firefox or Chrome for everything else? That's a lot of work and will surely cause confusion with users since IE will have to remain the default browser.
I think it's absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable that GE is not supporting IE11 yet. It has been out for over two years, for cryin' out loud!