Since we moved to 12.2, I've been fighting an issue where the meds reviewed and allergy reviewed checkboxes are blanking out on the VFE forms and chart summary after being placed on hold. The strange thing is that I can find that those obs terms are in the OBS table and still have an obsvalue associated to them, but when you evaluate OBSNOW("MEDS REVIEW") it returns nothing. The only way to fix it is to recheck the check box or call OBSNOW("MEDS REVIEW", "Done").
I tried comparing all the rows in the OBS table for that SDID (document) to see if the Meds or allergy obsterms have anything different, but nothing stood out. When the document is signed, it signs the obs terms just fine and the reporting side is good. Nothing is printed in the text, though.
Has anyone seen an issue similar to this? I could see this happening to other obs terms as well, but it seems to only affect our meds and allergy ones.
Create quick text to populate the obsterm and see if you can replicate the issue.
This is a critical step in proving to GE that the issue is 'their code' and not 'custom code' or a 'custom form'.
If the issue continues, I would submit it to GE as a critical defect as this has potential fiscal consequences related to regulatory demands.
If you cannot replicate the issue with the above approach, you may need to look at your content. It is possible that a hidden MEL error is occurring and causing the issue. It may be that it always existed and was never noted or that a change in the EMR is causing it. It is easy to forget that all data symbols are subject to change because it happens so infrequently.
I would first create a simple form with just the check boxes to see if it can be replicated. If yes, you might need to notify the vendor of the form editor you are using. If no, then you will need to test each form individually at first, then in 'groups' until you can replicate the issue - MEL tracing each time in the hope of capturing the issue.
Good Luck!
Thanks Lee.
I'm unable to reproduce the situation that causes this, but when it happens, you can set up a quick text using {OBSNOW("MEDS REVIEW")} and nothing will come back even though it is in the obs table and the contributors list as being documented. It's almost like it gets lost between the server and the client.
I noticed that this doesn't affect any other obs terms that we use (which could be 50 or so each visit), but that doesn't necessarily mean it can't. The fix is to simply re-check the boxes so that it will show up in chart note.
In that case, I would definitely report it to GE as a critical defect. That it is in the obstable but not being returned to the user layer is most troubling. Not knowing if it will affect other observations, now or in the future, is concerning.
We have a situation in CPS 12.012 that is similar, but just for one obs term value that we know of, and it's NOT OK after signing. It is a signed value that shows up in the flowsheet, but not in a form or when invoked by MEL commands. It's an abnormal Pap result that doesn't show up in the form where we document the Pap history. 🙁 So frustrating!!!
In 12.2 there is a new Vital Signs CCC form that now has the check boxes again to review prob, meds, allergies without going back to the chart summary. We are part of the LA team and I am not seeing the issue in SP2, nor do I remember anyone bringing this issue up on the calls for 12.2.
I wonder I you are using the new Vital Signs CCC and its causing an issue with a custom VFE form in the same encounter.