Has anyone else had an issue with the Immunization Management upgrade for PneumoPCV? I just applied the ccc basic 1.2 pieces indicated and we can no longer update a vaccine. Any time we try to update ANY field, we receive: "Error Code 15: - A numeric field cannot be removed (updates are allowed)"
Clicking ok forces the vaccine update to end. It doesn't matter if it's a comment, etc. Also, the drop downs for site, route, etc. are empty. I restarted the application server and still no difference.
All else seems to function, although, I haven't verified orders yet.
Thank you!
Have you opened a ticket with GE yet?
Yes. I have heard there is an SPR for the empty drop downs. Have not gotten any feedback on the error code yet.
We have been on the new forms for 1.5 weeks now and I have not gotten any reports of problems nor have I seen them myself.
Just a few things I'm sure you have done.
-copied the new html files to the jboss server.
-imported all of the html content
-also some added txt files and folders in this update for immunizations as well.
for the sites issue
ensure that your immunization custom lists did not get over written during the update.
We had this happen several updates ago, before we new to make a copy of the "Factory Immunization Custom List" and rename it. As it will get over written and you will lose your configuration setting that you have added.
hope this helps,
Have you installed the Immunization Management Upgrade for PneumoPCV Aug Patch?
Don't forget to reload the html page by pressing F5 in the HTML form. Must be done on every workstation or force browsers to reload all pages all the time by policy
I'm interested if it broke for you with the Aug KB. The special "patch" for the KB is to install CCC Basic V1.2 immunization content We're seeing this on our SP10 databases with CCC V1.2 and the Aug KB applied.
Charline - Are you seeing the Error Code 15?
Cecil -
Could you clarify a few of your comments? I was following the instructions from the "Immunization Management Upgrade for PneumoPCV August KBase Patch Notes". Per those instructions, it only stated to import the immunization html & associated ckts (form, history view, letter & text translation)...it did not indicate to import all the HTML components. Did you import all of the HTML components?
Also, you mention it added some text files & folders...I'm not aware of it adding anything (vs updating). Did I miss something?? I did have to replace the fndef-Immunization.txt file on the client, and I did make sure that my usrlibccc-basic.txt file already had the needed load statement. Otherwise, I have done everything you mentioned.
We're on cps12 service pack 7, with ccc 838 & basic 1.0.
This issue occurred on our test system after the August KB was applied and then this patch was applied.
One thing I noticed when reviewing the basic 1.2 files was that the 'ImmLoadVFC' text component looks like it is supposed to be removed...and not sure if that has any impact on anything...
I just applied the August KB to production, and noticed that I will have to move forward with this patch as while a user can still enter a vaccine under the Pneumococcal PCV13 vaccine, it will not be displayed on the html form as entered, and it will not be displayed on the history view! Hopefully, the error I got in my test system will not show up in production. Never got any reply from GE.
Thanks for anyone with additional input!
There has been an interesting development since my last post. Over the weekend we upgraded the production system. And would you believe Error 15 when updating Immunizations. It will probably be this weekend before I can get the system to do some troubleshooting. So here is what I know it isn't.
I have 2 systems loaded with identical forms (Demo and Production) both have CCC 9.1 with basic 1.2 and CPS 12 SP 10. I do not have this error on the demo system, just the production. I have re imported the ccc import folders and recopied the forms (HTML and TXT) without any success . Not real sure at this point what I have different... I will let you know what I find out.
As for as the displaying of the PCV13, after load the aug update it stopped and did not re-appear until we loaded sp10.
OK, I'm getting closer. In my demo I do not have a custom immunization custom list. In the production I do. If I choose the factory custom list then I do not get the error. So I will let you know as I dive deeper.
Update, even if you create a new custom list it still gives the error. The work around will be choose the factory list from the drop down to edit a immunization. I'm about to open a ticket on my findings.
I did some additional testing last night and discovered the same thing that cecil did ==> that there is no error code 15 with the factory custom list. I then copied the factory custom list and tested with that...unfortunately, I still got error code 15 with the copied cl!
I am also experiencing periodic missing text translations. I haven't been able to find something repeatable yet, but it has happened multiple times :(. Has anyone else experienced this?
I just applied the Aug KB to production...but I did not yet apply the basic 1.2 patch because of these issues. So, we're left in a state where the clinicians cannot get a report on the PCV 13 vaccine. The only way they can tell is by opening the immunization html form and looking at the newly added 'PneumoPCV' vaccine group...which I had to add to our custom list in order for them to see this. The original Pneumococcal PCV13' group no longer displays anything after the KB is applied.
Right now, the error code 15 only rears its head for me on an update. So, if I have to move forward, changes will have to be handled with a 'remove' and then 're-add'. Plus, I do not get the drop down lists during an update...so, that is more fuel to the 'remove / re-add' process. The periodic missing text translation is also giving me pause.
For the record: I am a bit perplexed as to why a KB update would alter the vaccine functionality, forcing a further update to forms, as opposed to a completely independent patch, allowing customers to choose their own timing. All of this is a bit frustrating.
Anyone out there who has successfully applied the Aug KB and the PCV Patch and NOT experiencing the vaccine update issues?
I am also experiencing the Error 15 message when trying to update the PneumoPCV...has anyone heard any development on this??
This has been resolved but to be honest I don't remember when and how as this has been several years ago. We are on CPS 12.0.13 if that helps.