After about 24+ hours of trying to upgrade from CPS 12.0.7 to CPS 12.0.10, we had to rollback to CPS 12.0.7 for our main database. I thought I would share some of these issues for anyone who may run into issues installing SP10.
SP10 requires a group policy called Powershell Execution Policy to be turned off or it will crash somewhere towards the beginning. It will not tell you what the error is, and you will most likely sit on the phone with support for hours as they try and figure out what is going on.
If you have AR Accelerator you WILL NOT be able to upgrade to any future patch until GE and Unlimited Systems can talk to each other. Unlimited Systems (AR Accelerator) makes major changes to your CPS SQL database that will make it impossible to upgrade. The changes that really affected the upgrade were the removal and changes to GE indexes in our database. SPR64223
We have 4 smaller databases that were able to get passed the group policy issue and successfully update to SP10.
EDIT: Added clarity to PowerShell policy paragraph. Added what patch we came from.
I have had few issues on my Test Environment when upgrading to Service Pack 10 as well.
1. There is a DLL folder in the Server Configurator directory, where I had to unblock the dll's.
2. The Centrictity Application User password cannot contain special characters.
My new issue now is when I click on Validate and Install button on Server Configurator, it just hangs at 25% and does not move any further than that.
We are having same isssue. I have GE installing SP 10 on my test server and we are stuck on Validate and Install button on Server Configurator. It gives red on not installed but log does not show any error. She is trying to reach Tech support but being long weekend we might not get any where today!
FYI RE the AR Accelerator issue GE says found the issue and will give an upgrade to effected sites later this afternoon so they can upgrade to SP10.
We had a call with GE and Unlimited Solutions on Friday (09/04). The 2 companies will start working more closely so that future upgrades are clean. They had to apply a fix to our database before we can update to SP10, but we are meeting with them today to talk about other potential issues AR Accelerator may cause. A developer from GE still had some concerns on why certain indexes were being removed. We are attempting to move to SP10 again this week.
what version were you on prior to that upgrade?
Just to update all on the issue that I reported earlier, where I was getting stuck on 25% on the Server Configurator. The problem ended being the SQL Server hostname was longer than what 15 characters. I discovered then when I ran SELECT @@SERVERNAME and saw that the server name was truncated in SQL. GE does not have the logic to generate an error and the script does not move any further either.
After I figured that out, the install went on without any issues. I did not have to Enable the Powershell Execution Policy in my environment. Actually, when I enabled it, I got errors stating that the user account I was using was not part of the Administrator group. So for me, enabling it gave a negative effect.
Changed the wording on my post about PowerShell to say "turned off." Since we had the PowerShell Group Policy turned on for our environment, we just had to give access to the user and accounts that Centricity needs to run the upgrade. The quickest solution would be to turn that group policy off during the upgrade.
Centricity Upgrade Instructions for AR Accelerator
Click the link above to open the attachment as the pasted format below doesn't read well in the forums.
I'd like to post these instructions in case of future upgrades to Centricity Environments with the AR Accelerator.
Centricity Upgrade Instructions for AR Accelerator
Prior to the Centricity Upgrade and after all users are out of the Accelerator Software.
- Open up the Windows Services application
- Click on Start – Type Services or browse to Services
- Scroll through the list and find the two Accelerator Services - Accelerator Server Kernel and Accelerator Framework.
- (they may also be under AR Accelerator or in some isolated cases g4 Framework and g4 Server Kernel)
- Right click on the Accelerator Server Kernel
- Click on Properties
- Stop the Service
- Change Startup type to: Disabled
- Click on OK
- Right click on the Accelerator Framework and Stop the Service
After the Centricity Upgrade
- Open up the Windows Services application
- Click on Start – Type Services or browse to Services
- Right click on the Accelerator Server Kernel
- Click on Properties
- Change Startup type to: Automatic (Delayed Start)
- Click the Start button to Start the service
- Click on OK
- After a few seconds, the Accelerator Service Kernel will start the Accelerator Framework
- Otherwise, the Accelerator Framework can be started by Right Clicking on the service and choosing Start
Thanks for posting this, Kirk. I will mark this post so it doesn't get lost.