Has anyone else experienced this?
No changes were made on our end and all of a sudden all providers lost the ability to choose "Electronic" and "Fax to Pharmacy" as a prescribing method for send their scripts. Some prescribers note that they are receiving errors that they are not authorized for eprescribing when that is not the case. The issue resolved itself after an hour then happened again later on that day. Virence hasn't been able to help. All tests within eSM pass successfully. Any ideas?
I'm not sure if you are still having this issue. In EMR go to Go-Setup-Settings-Electronic Prescriptions-Electronic/EPCS Settings. Check the Proxy User and verify that Provider is still active in the EMR. Also check the checkbox for Enable ePrescribing.
I experienced the same issue at one time and the Provider I had as the Proxy User was obsoleted as a user and this shut off the electronic method.