We are on CPS Version 12.0.11. Yesterday morning I went to access ePrescribe through the link in Admin and both that and the CQR link are gone. They were both there on Monday morning. We opened a ticket with GE, but just curious if anyone else has had this happen? I checked the security settings and our AD and nothing has changed. They are visible in out Test environment, which is a copy of Production from 1/20. Any clues?
click setup links and add them back?
+ nav link on top left
change name on top right
enter URL https://cqr.gehealthcare.com/memberRegistration click ok
ESM console will be the same but the URL will be specific to whichever server your company hosts it on.
Thank you. We did just that. I am curios as to know why it disappeared all of a sudden. We have spoken to GE and they have no idea why either but they are going to investigate.