I am working with a Wound Care Center to develop a Wound Assessment form. There are approximately 50 elements to the exam of 1 single wound. I understand that I could use 50 obs terms to desribe 1 wound, but that is clucky and not flowsheet friendly.
I would like to build a VFE form with multiple elements that are document variables..............and have them all feed into 1 observation term. The purpose is so that the wound nurses can look back at info in the flowsheet and see all info for 1 wound in 1 obs term box.
Please help. Thanks, Sharon
Not hard to do. Have a watcher function call with of the document variables you wish to concatenate. The function then concatenates the variables.
{ ConcatenateText(document.var1,document.var2, .....)}
{ fn ConcatenateText(strvar1,strvaR2, .....)
local obsstr=""
//whatever process you wish to do with string variables
obsstr=strvar1+" "+strvar2+.....
Essentially, you need a "commit" button that will combine them into an OBSNOW() function.
You've seen how "commit" works on the Risk Factors form where it mashes the value and date into the single obs term for COLONOSCOPY, MAMMOGRAM or PAP SMEAR.
After extensively looking for other ways to do it because committing seems clunky to me I had to settle back into this technique for one of our custom forms. Nothing else seemed to work at all. Using Page Handlers got messy when users open and close the form multiple times. Let me know if you'd like more info. I don't want to overwhelm you...
"Commit" worked for us.
My variables are: WNDLOC1, WND1TYPE, WND1STATUS
My Obs term is: W1DESCRIPT
Would you mind plugging these into your formula to show me how? When I tried plugging them in, I got MEL language in the text so I'm doing something wrong.
{ ConcatenateText(document.wndloc1,document.wnd1type,document.wnd1status)}
{ fn ConcatenateText(strvar1,strvar2,strvar3)
local obsstr=""
//following line needs to be modified as you wishto separate strings
obsstr=strvar1+", "+strvar2+", "+strvar3
Great........thanks so much! That worked.
One last question: Is there a way to make the obs term text appear as a column instead of a linear sentence separated by commas?
Great........thanks so much! That worked.
One last question: Is there a way to make the obs term text appear as a column instead of a linear sentence separated by commas?
Just started wound care and need to develop a form. If anyone has any wound care forms they are willing to share please email me at [email protected].