We have a provider today, that received the following error when doing a script:
Error 32785: Possibly too much data to display. Retry ?
He has to click retry several times before it will let him continue.
Has anyone experienced this, and if so, can you tell me what the issue might be ? Thank you.
We had a provider with that same pop-up today. She got it when opening an office visit (though there may have been an rX in the visit).
We clicked no and put the visit back on hold. Once we opened it again the error did not display and she could continue on as usual.
I am not sure where it came from- I want to follow this post to see if anyone knows where it may have come from.
Thank you
Just a random thought, is there too much data on the summary line of the visit? This sounds somewhat familar and I apologize if this is not the answer.
I experienced the same thing yesterday on a new VFE form that I developed. I was assuming that the problem came from my effort to push a narrative into a text field, and the total number of characters exceeded the mysterious 2000 character limit.
I meticulously trimmed the text to below the 2000 character limit and then tried pushing it to the multi-line text field. Yet, I continued to get the same error. I was able to get all the text to stick to the field after selecting the NO option on this error message.
I am interested in the solution to this riddle since I have a form in development that is causing this issue.
We have seen an error with this description, though I don't remember the error number. The solution is to write shorter instructions in the rx . Rx labels are small and the instructions field holds a limited number of characters. This is similar to the error referred to earlier in this thread about the "summary" which I believe refers to entering instructions in Order Details. Good luck! Monica
As stated by "mjorrhch", the overall text being entered needs to be under the 2000 character limit. In my case, the text that I was pushing to a text field was 1991 characters long and yet I was still getting this error message.
I refined the text being placed in this field, making the overall length of my note to be 1961 characters. I am now no longer getting this error message.
So my observations are, if you are extremely close to this 2000 character limit, you will get this message. I didn't test this any further, didn't look for that magic threshold on how many characters are needed in a text message that will cause this threshold warning to be presented but it is somewhere between 1961 and 1991 characters.
We are getting this error when logging into a Test system. We have 2 test systems and this is the only one and actually any form we use in this db kicks the error. I have no idea which field is causing it upon login.
We are getting this same error when trying to save pictures from a webcam into a patient's registration. Any ideas why that would be?