Has anyone hid the IE load screen for their end users? A lot of our end users will add a tab to the load screen and use it as their main browser or even close it out of habit. If they close it we have problems in docutrak module and others within the application itself since it needs the IE page to refresh etc. Any help would be appreciated.
docutrak need the page to refresh?
never heard of that problem and we use docutrak.
you can just create a Batch file that will open an internet explorer with the url for your cps server app server.
wiat 5 to 10 sec and the kill the internet explorer process.
just be aware that if they had any internet explorer opened previously it will be killed with this method.
Just what I was going to suggest David.
Here is what ours looks like
@echo off
Rem Pulls up Windows Update Page
start /MIN iexplore.exe http://tbiapp01:9080/centricityps/cps/
timeout 120
TASKKILL /F /IM iexplore.exe
Replace the portion in red with the link to your server.
This will also give the user 2 minutes to log in.
Bonus to this, is you would not have to have IE as your default browser if you did not want it.
Ernie, Starting it minimized is a great idea but Why kill ie?
We run term servers that they connect back to and they kept using IE and I got tired of cleaning off the ask toolbar, yahoo toolbar, and heaven forbid, coupon clipper toolbar.
Closing IE helped eliminate that headache.
And seeing as how the batch is running from the term server, it will only kill IE on the server. Their local one will stay open
Ahh, do you ever run into issues about having it closed? Our var told us to always keep it open as sometimes not having it open can cause crashes. We set our permissions to remote desktop user only on the servers stop most toolbar installs.
we get the same amount of crashes with Internet explorer open or closed.
Nope. Never had an issue with it closed. Only time it is an issue is if you close it before it has made the full connection and you have logged into centricity. If it isn't open then Centricity tends not to open properly. Otherwise, we tell our users to close it.
I was told by GE support that it is only important during startup and only useful if you need to troubleshoot a startup error. That was many years ago when they started implementing that method and I had terminal servers running out of RAM with many instances of IE open to that screen.
I had a similar bat file to kill the window after CPS launched. Worked great and never was an issue
Mike Zavolas
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic