Has anyone else seen an issue where lab results that don't map in LinkLogic appear to be getting mapped to an unrelated observation in the Clinical list changes?
I believe that these used to use a standard notation (? "GE-UNKNOWN") when you looked at the clinical list changes. However, it now appears that if they appear at the top of the list of clinical list changes they show up with no observation listed. If they are further down in the clinical list changes they appear to just keep the name from the last valid observation term match that was found. I looked at the flowsheet and I don't think the information is actually going to that observation term. This can be very confusing when looking at clinical list changes for lab results...
I've never noticed this before. I also can't run a report on obs term "ZZ-GE-unk." I did a quick spot check. It looks like our system is working as expected. We're on CPS (whichever service pack that is).
[caption id="attachment_198711" align="alignnone" width="617"] lab result contributors list zz-ge-unk obs term.[/caption]
Yes. However, at one point I believe that some values actually appeared as if they were going to the wrong observation term. For example, if the 4th value mapped properly and the 5th value didn't have a mapping the fifth value would be listed as going to the same observation as the 4th value. I believe that at some point this was fixed so that now all values that don't have a mapping will show up as going to an empty observation term. This is slightly better as it is less confusing when you are trying to see what value is being mapped to observations.
In the example you provided, it appears that all of the values without mapping are listed at he beginning.