Our varicella immunizations are not showing up on the Immunization History View or the Immunization Letter. All other immunizations seem to be displaying correctly. If you open the Immunization Management form they are there and I can use another MEL command (from forum here) to pull out the varicella data.
Has anyone else encountered this? Any solutions?
We are having the same problem our varicella and HPV series 1 will not drop on the immunization history view. I thought GE said this will not get fixed until SP 9 but if anyone know a work around until then please contact us.
Kimberly West, RN
There is an SPR number 61641 for this. They are hoping to have this fixed in SP8 but, we've not upgraded yes so I'm unsure if it is fixed. Per the notes, it is.
Are you talking about the old form or new html form?
If still using the old, I had to split out MMR and MMRV and update Varicella with additional obs terms from what I recall so that it would display correctly. Even though the obs terms were in the immunization form, the history view they sent out didn't include and they weren't willing to update it last I checked. You basically copy all of the history view contents into wordpad, make the edits and paste it back in to the template. I can send you our modified complete history view if that is what you are looking for Our providers are printing the history view, not a letter so I didn't update that.
If the new form, there are changes listed in SP8 that actually won't happen until you get CCC Basic 1.1 which should be out very soon since release notes were just posted. We have SP8 in test and worked with support the other day on an issue that was supposed to be resolved in SP8 but won't actually be corrected until we get the updated ccc basic package with new html forms.
Check the CVX code. Make sure all 1-9 codes has leading 0 (zero) in front of them (like 01, 02, 03,..09). The new Immunization HTML form will accept CVX coded (without leading 0 zero), but will not display them.
We had this issue as well.
I built our custom list with the first release of CPS 12, back when the vaccine group was labeled Varicella (Chicken Pox).
If you look at the custom lists that have come out with upgrades the vaccine group is now labeled Varicella.
When I added the Vaccine Group Varicella to my custom list and put the same vaccine products on that group, the charting and displays all worked.
I removed my old Varicella (Chicken Pox) group.
I suggest rebuilding your group.
By the way. There was some kind of weirdness with vaccine groups that don't have a default selected and charting. Make sure all your groups have a default.
- Sandy White