Has anyone experience this before? I have physicians who swear that they created a phone note or office visit in the patient's chart but now it's not there. I've checked file and error but there's nothing. we are using 12.06.
Have you run the report to see if anyone "discarded" the document? If it wasn't signed it might have been discarded. It's in the medicologic folder in chart reports..We've had that happen.
Check the audit report called All audited events, by user and event and select event Discard Document. When that happens to me that is where I usually find it.
Yes, I have found some hidden in the database and was able to recover by changing data in columns in the table. Would have to do some research on your db to see if it is there or not.
Nothing came out from the audit report.
Do y ou remember the steps you took to find the hidden document? I check all the documents for that patient and i didn't see anything missing.
It can be different in every situation, but look at the DOCUMENT Table, if you know when it was done, you can use the Convert_ID_to_Date for the clinical date and use the Patient's PID to see if you can find it, the PID is found in the PatientProfile Table.
that's what i did. nothing there.
if nothing is there at all, then most likely they discarded it instead of putting it on hold. I have an audit script, but you will have to email me to request it as this new forum doesn't allow me to put SQL scripts on here... [email protected]