We are on CPS and since we upgraded to this latest version we are experiencing issues with vital signs disappearing from the OB-Flowsheet-2-CCC or our gyn form after the clinical staff enters it and when the provider opens the visit. Have any other users experienced this issue? GE is telling us that we need to upgrade to the latest version of CCC forms which will be the version 1.3 for basic and 9.1.
We are experiencing it too. We are on CCC 8.3.8. If you look at the clinical list changes, they are there. But they are not showing within the form or the text translation. If you go back and try to redo them, it shows they are in the database and keeps popping up if you want to save your value or their value. Extremely frustrating for our users. We have a case open with GE.
Vitals and patient instructions, so far is what we have seen.
Maybe CCC could be a part of this, but for us we use all custom forms. To often we have staff calling;
1. All forms are gone, yet clinical list changes hold, and when reinserting each form the data holds and is all there.
2. Forms stay in but data disappears and is view-able in the clinical list changes, so at least we can reenter.
GE oddly enough said it could be our custom forms. I think this maybe a GE issue altogether.
Thanks Christopher. Have you gotten any response from GE yet? It seems that you are on a newer version of the CCC forms. Our providers are very frustrated as well.
We have seen this behavior on the CCC forms as well as our custom forms.
We have a case opened. Per GE:
"I have heard of various issues that after SP11, vitals are missing . the workflow is that MA enters vitals, puts chart on hold, the provider opens it from his laptop/PC and vitals are not there.
So far I have not had any luck reproducing it, which makes it difficult for engineering to pinpoint on what’s wrong. I have the following questions for you
- What forms are you using to collect vitals – are these CCC forms or custom?
- Are you on fat client vs citrix client vs RDP
Couple more things to share:
- I have a customer who uses custom forms for collecting Vitals. He did this to resolve the issue: He opened up the custom form in VFE, made no change, saved it and REIMPORTED to centricity. This made the problem go away
- CCC 1.4 just came out, the VITAL SIGN CCC form is one that’s fixed. I am asking everyone to please install CCC 1.4 so we have the latest and greatest… if problem does not resolve then we need to get it reproduced so I can send to engineering. Here’s the link to get CCC 1.4 and I have attached the release notes."
We have an appointment for an engineer to get on our database tomorrow to see what this is.
We have been having that problem sometimes in the vital signs and other forms, but our biggest issue with the text not showing up in the note is with the Immunization Management form. It will show in the History flowsheet, but not in the note itself. Sometimes we can append it and update the Immunization , then it will show in the note and sometimes that won't work either. It's very frustrating.
We have had problems with our Vitals disappearing from the Chart Note text as well, but we use a custom Vitals/Intake form. Same thing with our custom Labs In-House form, labs disappear from the Note text. I had a user recently try removing the form from the Visit and then adding it back in and they said that it worked that way, so we are having our users try this to see if it is a decent workaround for everyone until GE fixes it.
In regards to CCC, they just released CCC Basic v1.4 and the Release Notes state that CCC v9.4 was supposed to be released 01/14/2016. So if you are being told to upgrade your CCC forms by GE you might want to use these instead of CCC Basic v1.3 and CCC v9.1.
What version of the Immunization Management Form are you using?
GE was able to recreate the problem in our database, and they know it is an issue now with SP11. SPR 65495.
and it does not matter what version of CCC, version of Basic, or CQIC, or VFE forms you are on. Its a database issue.
I was forwarded an e-mail today indicating that GE has been able to recreate the problem and is working on a fix. The steps to reproduce is included below. It seems that logging out and logging back in will trigger the observation terms to refresh. I have also been told that just changing to a different patient chart and then coming back to the patient where the problem was seen will also trigger a refresh.
This is from the original e-mail on steps to reproduce:
1) Logon as user 1 (hwinston) and bring up patient’s chart – don’t need to edit any document, just have the chart pulled up
2) Logon as user 2 (pchan) and bring up patient and now start an update and enter vitals (I used the Vital Signs CCC form). click on Text and see that vitals are added
3) Put the chart on hold, checking or not checking the box for “Sign Clinical List Changes” don’t make a difference
4) Back to user 1 (hwinston), click edit and the vitals are NOT on the form or on translation
5) Note: If hwinston logs off and back on, the vitals will be there
Just wanted to know GE has fixed this issue yet before I start a new support ticket. It seems to have started with a few of our providers, but it only happens sporadically.
I have a ticket open with GE for this very issue. After confronting GE with the SPR from this thread they said it was unrelated and SPR 65495's issue is...
ISSUE: Customer is experiencing extreme slowness in forms post SP11
Does anyone have another SPR I can show GE? The support person is trying to file this under "Not a recommended workflow for Centricity."
UPDATE: I tested these scenarios on our demo test database with patch 6 installed, and it appears this is no longer an issue. I'm unable to make obsterms disappear as I could prior to patch 6.
We use CQIC forms and are having the same problem. Is anyone else who uses CQIC also experiencign this behavior?