We have 12.3.1 in our test environment with a go live of 10-1-18. During our end user training with the providers they asked if it was possible to turn off the automatic message that goes to the pharmacy when a medication is removed from the medication list.
Their concern is that when the MA or nurse is reconciling the medication list during an office visit that a medication will be removed from the list (because the pt says they are no longer taking it) but the provider will add it again after discussing it with the pt. They are concerned that if this happens the message to cancel the medication is already on it's way to the pharmacy.
Thanks for any help you can provide me!!
We just upgraded last weekend and we did not have the Cancel selected in ESM and the doctors did not like that pop up box so we ADDED the change to all doctors .. (MA don't have anything to do with the med list for us) In test it will not work because you don't have ePrescribe set up.
However when you add new clinicians to ESM it will automatically select CANCEL so if you will have to go remove it since you don't want to use it.
Hope that helps,
Judy Preston.
Thank you so much! I didn't realize that this was option in the ESM console. Our providers will be very excited!
Yes in ESM there is a MODIFY drop down where you can do your selections.
So you are saying that if the Cancel feature under ESM consult is unchecked then the Cancel going to pharmacy is turned off and the providers will not see this feature? They need the Change box/feature checked but not the Cancel? Thank you.
I am saying that if the box is unchecked you will get that notification that pop up box. If checked when you remove or change a script then the pharmacy will get an electronic message of that change if it was originally sent electronic.
We are not using the CHANGE at our facility.
CHANGE - Allows pharmacies to send change request to the provider
CANCEL- Allows the provider to send cancel requests to pharmacies (that support this ability)
We had a similar problem. We are currently using CPS 12.3. whenever the staff was doing a medication update, if the doctor did not have the "cancel" privilege selected in ESM, then the doctor would receive a "transmission failure" message because he was not approved to cancel a medication. Since we are also reconciling medications not given by our physicians, we are not really comfortable with them having the ability to send a medication cancellation notice to the pharmacy for a medication they did not prescribe.
If there is a way in which the removal of a medication would not generate a cancellation notice from Centricity to the ESM I would be interested in learning about it.
Professional Orthopaedic Associates
so if I uncheck CANCEL in the eSM console the providers will still be able to remove medications but they won't get this pop-up about the pharmacy?
Thanks, Jude
Hi Jude,
If the box is UNCHECKED they will continue to get the pop-up. In order NOT to get the pop up you will have to check the box.
Thank you Judy!
We went live on Monday and found that the Cancel message that is set in the ESM console is automatic. GE made this function work in such a way that it is automatically set and cannot be unchecked or de-selected. I did check with GE (via a case/ticket) and was told it cannot be turned off. My clinics will not be happy to hear this.
Wow... I am surprised because with our update it was not automatically checked ... I had to go in and manually select it for each clinician.