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Anyone know if there is one?
Providers want to populate the flowsheet after performing the calculation.
Posted : July 15, 2015 7:05 am
Are you referring to 10-year ASCVD risk based on pooled cohort equations?
there is an obs term for this that is very unfortunately named:
HDID:438922 name: PCCVR10YRRSK
Description: 10 year risk of CAD based on the Pooled Cohort Risk Equation/Calculator
MLI code: MLI-438922
You have to be careful because there is another obs term
HDID: 20230 name: CHD 10YR RSK
Description: coronary heart disease (CHD), calculated 10 year mortality risk
MLI code: MLI-20230
which is for CHD 10-year MORTALITY, not risk.
Posted : July 15, 2015 9:50 am