How can I add text to the Registration module in CPS? We have the EMR banner showing if a patient has registered for the portal or not using the PORTALREG obsterm, so how can we add this into Registration so that our front end staff who do not work out of EMR can see if the patient is registered or not? Preferably in bold, red text so any staff touching that account know that the patient needs to be linked.
Any help or input is greatly appreciated!
You will need to modify this file on your jboss server -
c:\Program Files\Centricity Practice Solution\jboss\standalone\deployments\[your-db].client.war\patient_registration.jsp
If you have never made changes to these files be very very careful. If you have any PM add-on solutions you will probably see their customizations in this file or other files in this directory, you could model your changes after those examples. If you have questions feel free to shoot me an email.