With CEMR9-10 and CPS 12-2 now in LA and hopefully some for GA release, any idea when Ge will release the EMR 9-10 stand-alone program to become available for download and installation especially on a windows 10 machine for those of us that use the stand-alone program for testing forms? Any special requirements to install this standalone from the LA community?
Appreciate any update information, Thank you
I would also be interested in the answer to this question. I have attempted to install EMR9.8 Stand-alone on a windows10 machine but have yet to get it to work. Has anyone else been able to get EMR9.8 to work on a windows10 machine?
I've gotten the current stand-alone EMR to work on Windows 10. You will need to do the cipher key fix and then possibly copy everything from the Oracle\bin directory where the client is installed to the JBoss\jsw directory in the client directory structure.