Does anyone know of a way, other than LinkLogic's "Create chart for unmatched patients" checkmark, to create a chart in CPS?
We are getting accounts created auotmatically by LinkLogic but we're not sure how. According to my staff that manages the LinkLogic errors, they are not selecting the checkmark in LL to create these.
Any ideas?
We are seeing this too. Sometimes in LL when we select multiple errors to work, LL will create a chart automatically
We created a case with Athena on this 10635311
I have some notes from my co worker on how she seems to be able to replicate
"I’ve found that the easiest way to replicate LL creating a chart is to work multiple errors on the same patient consecutively (especially when you don’t find a match). On the first error, search for a patient like normal and if not found, click ok to hold the error back into the errors list. Then try resolving the next error for the same patient. Most likely this will create a chart. "
I don't have a solution for you, but I do potentially have a bandaid.
We run all our interfaces through Mirth. We have some code that validates demographics against the database and flags an error, emails the team, and stores the message for later processing after the error is resolved. You could validate the demo data in the database before sending the HL7 to LL/DTS.
We did this for a MIK interface because the MIK will change a patient's name without warning. We found that sometimes users were actually changing demographics of an existing patient to create a new patient in an outside PM system (possibly due to poor training). That resulted in updated demographics, and later charges, for a different patient but with the same PID/MRN in CPS. This created all kinds of insurance and billing craziness. That was what prompted the demo validation process. I'm sure it would work to validate incoming messages for LL/DTS just as well.
If anyone would like to explore it further, I'm happy to sanitize the code and share the Mirth channel with you. Please refrain from any javascript criticism though--I'm not a good coder and I already know it. 🙂
This is good information everyone, thank you. I believe you are correct about this being sort of a glitch. I searched the DB and there are 58 patients that have been created this way. I found them by searching the first and last name as being in all CAPS and having null in address1, phone1, etc.
At first I thought someone was clicking the box on the patient match screen in LL but after talking to my staff, they didn't even know that box exists. I also tested using this checkbox to see if it's a "sticky" click but it isn't.