I wanted to know if there is a way to have a specific referral order automatically populate based on a observation value. For example, I want a referral for DSMT to automatically be ordered on patients whose last A1C value is greater than 8.0. I would like this order to automatically populate once the lab report is signed. This would be a great time saver as I run a weekly report to catch any missed patients. Any help is appreciated 🙂
sounds like we should connect at some point. I work for a large endocrine practice and our EMR optimization team is in the process of defining clinical protocols for our Diabetes Education Center. In fact when I first saw your post, I thought it was from one of our educators. 🙂
In any event, the answer to your question would likely depend on how the A1c value is being recorded in the EMR. If it is being manually entered by someone using a custom form, you could use what is called a watcher expression to automatically order the referral order which would be signed by the provider once that office note was signed. If the result is coming into the EMR via HL7 (which is likely), you would need to take an alternative approach. Depending upon the interface engine you are using (e.g. Qvera), you should be able to generate an inbound HL7 order message based on an inbound result value. The inbound order could then appear in the attending provider's unsigned documents so that they could review and sign off on it (this is a requirement from what I understand from our CDEs).
Feel free to contact me via email and perhaps we can arrange a conversation with some folks on our team as it seems likely we are struggling with some of the same workflows.
Thank you for your response. I think your suggestion for automatic DSMT orders is something my CDE would love to see however I'm not very tech savy. The only experience I have is importing and exporting task files after adding new labs. If possible (unless it is a lengthy process) would you be able to send me instructions on how to add the order message. It's no problem if you can't I will find a way to get it done.
On a side note, I started running reports that show elevated A1Cs versus DSMT referrals from our providers as well as collecting data from patients who received referrals over the course of one year. My end goal is to illustrate the improvements patients made when DSMT was initiated/completed in order to encourage more referrals as well as provide the CDE with useful data that can be used for our AADE certification. If you have any ideas or workflows that have worked for your facility let me know. My email is [email protected]
If you aren't on the latest versions of CPS/CEMR, you can't add a Referral order programatically from a form. You will be able to in the latest versions. It actually may not be until the 2018 versions. I don't remember for sure.