Create Response File for Plugins:
Open the plugin cab files from your JBOSS server for each plugin and place the setup.exe files into their own folder. I grab these from the demo environment prior to upgrading our production environment.
If you're updating plugins, I suggest running these from a machine that has each plugin already installed.
From a command line, browse to the plugin folder and run it with the "-r" switch ("setup.exe -r"). This will start the installation and remember every selection you made (Upgrade, don't update DB, etc).
After you've completed the install of the plugin, browse to the local Windows directory and look for a "setup.iss" file. This is the response file needed for that specific plugin. Place this setup.iss file in the corresponding plugin folder.
Do those steps for each plugin seperatately so you don't overwrite the setup.iss file for another plugin.
I put all of the plugins in a folder that is accessible by any machine (common folder on the network). Example below found in the batch file: \\files01\departments\Information Technology\Application Installs\CPS 12.3.2\plugins\centricity
Batch files for installing the plugins:
net use s: /delete
net use s: \\files01\departments
cd \Information Technology\Application Installs\CPS 12.3.2\plugins\centricity
Setup.exe /s
net use s: /delete
net use s: \\files01\departments
cd \Information Technology\Application Installs\CPS 12.3.2\plugins\centricityrt
Setup.exe /s
Place the batch files in NETLOGON under whatever folder you want. Just make sure it matches the rest of scripts.
Pushing out the plugins:
I use PsExec using an account that has permission on each of the machines using the following commands and file structure for orgranization (use whatever you prefer). We use LANSweeper and it gives me a list of all machines that have specific plugins and I put the computer names into a text file.
T:\Tools\PsExec\pc_plugins.txt (place in the same directory as PsExec for ease of use)
Run this from the command prompt using credentials that work for your environment:
psexec -h @pc_plugins.txt -u domain\username -p password cmd /C \\server01\NETLOGON\CPS\install_plugincentricity.bat
psexec -h @pc_plugins.txt -u domain\username -p password cmd /C \\server01\NETLOGON\CPS\install_plugincentricityrt.bat
Hope this helps someone and if you have any questions, you can reach out to me.
Tony Eder
Posted : July 25, 2019 7:20 am