I have tried to search the forums but I keep getting tossed back to the login screen. I also just found this page/forum so this may not be the correct section to put this in.
I will be updating to v22 shortly and our billing employees would like to create a custom report for the Billing screen. They want to create a report that automatically adjust selected accounts. Does anyone know a way to create custom reports for this screen? In the past, we’ve had to engage CPS/GE support every time we’ve upgraded, and been charged, to recreate this option, as the custom reports never transition with upgrades. We’d like to be able to create reports and modify them as needed.
Any ideas/help is greatly appreciated!
Are you referring to a Crystal Report that you would run by going to File>Reports and then running?
This is possible, I have a few in our environment that run this way. Athena calls these Component Reports, you shouldn't lose it during an upgrade.
You can backup the report file(s) before the upgrade to be safe though and you could always add back. Feel free to message me for more info, but here is an example to get you started. The below appears in the UPDATE QUERY for the Crystal Report in question.
?SELECTED_BILLING_VISITS.ITEMDATA.U? is the important part, it gets you a list of the selected tickets.
In my example we add some notes to our system to indicate that we mailed the patient a refund.
/* Add a billing note */
Insert Into BillingNote(BillingNotesId, NoteSubject, NoteText, PatientProfileID, IsActive, Created, CreatedBy, ModifiedDate, ModifiedBy)
Select Distinct dbo.Convert_Date_to_ID(GETDATE()) + 11,
'Refund Generated',
'Patient was mailed a refund see corr tab notes on tickets for details',
From PatientVisit pv
INNER JOIN PatientProfile pp On pv.PatientProfileId = pp.PatientProfileId
/* Add a corr tab note */
Insert Into PatientCorrespondence(PatientVisitId, PatientProfileId, Source, UserId, Description, DescriptionLong, NextContactDate, Created, CreatedBy, LastModified, LastModifiedBy)
Select pv.PatientVisitId,
'Patient was mailed refund. Details shown below' + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) +
'Guarantor Name: ' + ISNULL(g.First,'') + ' ' + ISNULL(g.Last,'') + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) +
'Guarantor Address1: ' + ISNULL(g.Address1,'') + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) +
'Guarantor Address2: ' + ISNULL(g.Address2,'') + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) +
'Guarantor City: ' + ISNULL(g.City,'') + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) +
'Guarantor State: ' + ISNULL(g.State,'') + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) +
'Guarantor Zip: ' + ISNULL(g.Zip,'') + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) +
'Refunded Amount: ' + CAST(ISNULL(pva.PatBalance,'') As Varchar),
From PatientVisit pv
INNER JOIN PatientProfile pp On pv.PatientProfileId = pp.PatientProfileId
INNER JOIN Guarantor g ON pp.GuarantorId = g.GuarantorId
INNER JOIN PatientVisitAgg pva ON pv.PatientVisitId = pva.PatientVisitId