With the waiver from CMS on Telehealth visits, I am curious what everyone is doing for the Place of Service 02. Did you create a new facility for each of your locations? We are an Ambulatory Practice with 102 providers in 20+ locations. I created a single Telemedicine Facility but of course claims are being denied due to address. I don't want to create a new facility for each of my actual physical addresses but I will if I have to. Thank you.
We changed all of the existing facilites POS to 02. We will manually change back once this is done.
We created dummy CPT codes for our telemedicine services. So we created CPT "Tele99213", "Tele 99214", etc. We did this for various reasons: 1) we can then track what services were done via telehealth and which ones were still in the office, 2) the fee schedules can then be defaulted with the -95 modifier (or some carriers require the -GT modifier) 3) the POS can also be defaulted in the fee schedule.