While assessing a problem in the CPOE form there is a clinical decision pop up related to the PSA ordering for a patient.
This practice does not remind on those and we would like to remove this pop up.
I have looked and cannot find the correct CCC file that has this reminder. Can someone point me in the correct direction?
look in your ccc txt files with the wording "PSIA"
This is usually found in the CCC files:
CCCQE-user-edit-PSIA files for a particular specialty
I have looked in the PSIA file several times and cannot find anything specific to a PSA test. In the PSIA filed I see diabetes, MI, prenatal care and CHF. I can make the edits to turn off all pop ups related to treatment, but if I was looking just to turn off certain ones - example the PSA testing - does anyone have a location for that one?
Check in the CCC- Preventive Care, or do you have a protocol established?
In the CCCQE-User-Edit-PSIA-Adult.txt Under Test management functionality there is a protocol set for Prostate screening it is triggered by a diagnosis. You can change your protocols with the Tx Protocols Editor-CCC. There is a protocol for ICD10-Z12.5, ICD10-Z12 for Male ONLY. Select that protocol and insert prior protocol from there you can Deactivate or Commit Changes.