Looking for someone running Sentillion/Vergence CCOW single-signon to Centricity EMR Oracle with a Citrix connection.
I can get single-signon to work on a FAT-client, but the Citrix login throws a single-user dB error where it "cannot connect with database server sutrain" -- not running single-user on this plaftorm.
The only difference I see in the Citrix path compared to FAT-client relates to the (x86) parens for Program Files:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Centricity Physician Office\ml.exe" mlsetupo.txt –CCOW(UserLink).
Any ideas?
Jim Eppright
Never mind; figured it out...
Apparently, the dash before -CCOW in the path statement was acting like some type different dash even though the dashes looked the same.
Similar to MEL where copying & pasting into a notepad and then back into the Delivery Service Console fixed problem.
how is this sentillion working for you.
please provide any feedback i want to enable something similar
So far, office staff love it. Office Physicians are mixed.
Using a badge-reader in an Exam Room, it's questionable as to whether you can login faster with the badge than just typing in the PW, as is relevant when transitioning between the MA and Dr.
We tweaked some of the EMR CCOW settings to terminate the Citrix session rather than just logoff since it was still keeping the original user name logged into EMR when the next person badged in/out.
On the hospital-floors and ED, nurses and docs give positive remarks, although EMR is not as utilized in those areas.
SSO also works fine when just clicking the EMR icon.