Is anyone else experiencing crashes with CEMR 9.12 when providers are doing scripts. We have been frustrated since going live with CEMR 9.12 in early Feb 2018.
GE has not been able to identify potential causes.
It is happening every day to most of our providers
Any insight would be appreciated
We are on CPS 12.2.2- same new prescription form-- and yes.... we have the same issue on a daily basis with all providers. The form is buggy. Hoping it will fix in 12.3 for us. I would say that this Rx form specifically is the cause of at least 75% of our internal support cases to our informatics team.
Hi guys, may I asked at what point does the form crash? Is it when you sign the eRX? Is it adding new medications? Is it when completing refills? Is the form freezing or crashing? If it is freezing how long does the form freeze? If the form is crashing, what resolves the crash? We have CEMR 9.12 installed in our test environment and we do not get any freezing or crashing but would like to prepare ourselves for when we go live.
We run CEMR 9.12 and most of our crashes occur when a provider is signing off on scripts. But we have had crashes when they are ordering labs. There have been a few other instances where it freezes on a chart but very few times
I forgot to mention that we have to logoff the provider off their citrix session in order for them to start using EMR again.
Thanks for the feedback. I would be interested to know who else upgraded to CEMR 9.12 and if they are having any issues. We are scheduled to go live May 4th-5th.
Good Afternoon,
Does this issue occur with every prescription class or certain prescription classes? Also, does your site use physical or virtual servers?
Thanks Everett.
Is this occurring on Citrix or local installs?
If Citrix i'm curious if it is the jboss script error that has plagued the HTML Immunization form in which we have to reset users constantly for (we somewhat alleviated this issue by removing the factory custom list after every KB). Sometimes no error sometimes they get it frequently.
Do you happen to have EPCS installed?
Have you found an answer yet Everett on what was causing the crashing? I have been using 9.12 in the test environment and can't get it to happen but want to make sure I keep my eye on it. We are on 9.10 SP2 in live and using EPCS with the new prescription form but no crashing.
Hi everyone,
We are on CEMR 9.12 service pack 2. We are JBOSS server. We have several providers complaining that when they order Norco and a PT order when they go to put the visit on hold in gives a main executable error and crashes. The only fix is to remove the PT order then go to the new refill form and remove the Norco from under the refill selection. Is anyone else getting this error and if so is there a better way to clear the error??? What is causing the error ? Thanks, Misty