We are in the process of setting up a charge interface from our CEMR to financial app. One of the things I have noticed is that every time an append or a change is made to a document (new charges were made) that had previous charges sent once signed, the system will send the previous charges along with the new charges again causing duplications. Does anyone know of a way to stop that behavior?
Thanks, Peg
What are you using as your selection field?
I have thought about this same export, and used {orders.db_create_date} as the selection so as to only pull each item only once.
What is your select logic?
The only logic that I can find in linklogic under tasks is in the constraints field and that doesn't give me any way to customize anything. You pick from a selection that basically just gives you these options:
include inactive patients - include obsolete patients - include deceased patients - include signed orders from unsigned orders - export only completed order.
Doesn't give us much to work with. Peg
My understanding is that this is not configurable. In my mind it is completely unusable and broken as is.
So they only way we were able to handle this is with the financial systems interface engine.
As each message came in it was checked against the DB.
If the same provider, date, location, CPT code, ICD-10 code exists in the DB then
do not pass the HL7 message to be processed.
We also have a nightly job that essentially does the same thing with the days charges
to pick up anything that may have been missed during the day.
I do want to point out that this took months to implement as their were many exceptions and conditions.
We don't have any outbound charge interfaces, so I don't have any DFTs to look at. The described behavior sounds pretty undesirable.
My first thought might be to set up a Mirth channel to put the charges in an intermediate database, then each time a charge message is received, only add the transaction IDs and/or procedure codes that don't already exist in that database. Another channel reads the intermediate database and sends charges of a certain age, maybe 24 hours, (therefore unlikely to have changes) to the billing system.
We are testing for DFTs outbound too.
We found out that by checking the constraint for "include signed orders from unsigned orders". By having this setting and doing a daily export (at midnight), we found that the original service orders are not sent again when the document is appended... only net new service orders will be sent out.
I assume you mean "Include signed orders from unsigned documents". You are saying it needs to be checked and then once clinical list changes are signed, only the orders that were most recently signed flow over? It doesn't matter if the document is signed or appended, nothing new crosses unless new orders are signed?