We are looking for a solution that would allow us to screen our patients outside our facility that would allow us to flag a patient that could be seen across the PM and EMR indicating they have been exposed to or tested for COVID. If they answer yes to one of four questions, it would flag the chart letting the staff know they are not allowed an "inside" clinic visit for 14 days. Once flagged, we would like the notification to either change colors or auto-remove after 14 days.
I am not aware of anything remotely similar to that functionality native to CPS but if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to talk.
Otherwise, if anyone knows of a vendor that has this sort of capability or that could create something like this, I'd be interested in hearing from you as well.
I haven't researched this, but first thought is that it seems fairly straightforward. Put a start date in an obs term, then add a condition to show an indicator in the patient banner based on if you are within 14 days of that date.
We still use the default patient banner for the same reasons most do and the receptionists have to be in the chart to see the banner. I considered the banner idea also but if I remember correctly, when you start messing with the default banner, you end up with a scrollbar among other things. As far as I know, there's still no way to change the default banner... you can only make your own or use some of the other canned ones.
Creating your own banner is not that difficult. OK, well working with MEL can be a little confusing but once you get the hang of it your life will be easier. I have a very custom banner, and below is a couple snippets from my banner programming:
*First, to determine if the OBS code 'HOUSE INSEC' has been updated in the prior 365 days. This is the first question in our Social Determinants of Health screening.
global LastSDH = lastobsvalue("HOUSE INSEC")
gloabl LastSDHd = ""
if LastSDH > " "
then LastSDHd = DURATIONDAYS(lastobsdate("HOUSE INSEC"),str(._TODAYSDATE))
if LastSDHDd>365 then LastSDH = "" else "" endif
else ""
*Second, at the end of my two-line banner, have the following show up on the banner to indicate if SDH screening is needed or not.
{if LastSDH <> "" then "SDH done" else "Need SDH" endif}
For you, I assume that the outside lab populates to an OBS term. If not, that is your first step with the interface to make that so. And you can use logic like my #1 changing 365 days to 14 days and changing the lookup to your OBS Code. Then at #2, adjust your banner message.
So, in conclusion, I believe very possible. And, there are probably more elegant programming solutions, but what I wrote works and is easy for me to understand.
Joe Gillis
You could put the MEL that Joe provided in the banner but use USEROK to create a pop-up when the chart is opened. This would resolve your spacing concern with banner scrolling. Unfortunately, this still requires that folks navigate to the chart. I don't know of any way to push that notification to PM or registration.
I don't think I explained myself good enough. We're asking the patient if they've been tested outside of our organization. If they say yes, we want to only allow them virtual visits for 14 days. We more than likely won't even get the result unless the outside entity sends it to us. A lot of the people showing up at our facility are not actually our patients, we are a COVID testing site so everyone in the surrounding communities show up at our clinics.