Mind sharing their recommendations?
We have been given some queries to run but one isn't a valid query, one they didn't give us the entire set of instructions (in other words they gave us a query to locate "Bad Voids" but not the info on how to fix them), and the other I don't see how it fixes anything.
They seemed clueless to the fact that the one query wasn't even valid, it references a field in the DB which doesn't exist.
Here is what they gave me (the first is the only one that works, the second is where they leave out instructions, and the third isn't a valid query).
Sure. The issues are supposedly caused by a user moving columns around outside of the Administration Module and actually inside the tickets.
So first you run this which does nothing but remove all of the bad rows that would error out:
--deletes invalid spreadsheetcolumns
DELETE FROM SpreadsheetColumns WHERE SpreadsheetsEditorID < 0
If they still have the error the next thing I go to is this: If it returns tickets I write the tickets down and then run the query to fix them
--Finds the bad voids
From PatientVisitProcs As pvp
Inner Join PatientVisit AS pv ON pv.Patientvisitid = pvp.PatientVisitId
Group By pv.TicketNumber, pvp.VoidedParentid
Having Count(VoidedParentId) > 1
Finally, if none of that works I start into the columns for specific user ids
--to delete per users
SELECT * FROM SpreadsheetColumns WHERE UserName = 'userid'
DELETE FROM SpreadsheetColumns WHERE UserName = 'userid'
jdibiasio said:
Still having problems with Chart and other various database errors. PC's just lock up and CPS shuts down.
Server Specs:
- DB: 32 GB RAM, 24 core's worth of processors, 700GB SSD MLC
- JBOSS: 10 GB RAM, dual quad core
- DTS: 6 GB of RAM, dual quad core
everything else: Kryptiq, e-prescribe, SMPP, all have their own dedicated servers.
all of this, yet we encounter errors daily.
Wow I thought we were the only ones? We have been on CPS for about 2 months (now on 10 and we constantly have freezes, lockups, etc
Tip: payments and transactions are electronically embeded in the system. I have seen problems when people change the column order in payment entry. Also, do not change the transaction column sets. If you need to change one, create a new one and replace what is there and inactivate the old ones.
Try this: have each user go into thier payment entry to the transaction distribution window and right click on the column header and "Reset Columns". You can squish your columns closer but DO NOT change the column order. Try having them reset the columns. If that doesn't work, I suggest creating a new transaction column set to replace what you have. Then attach it to the insurance groups.
Be careful doing this and have some guidance if you are not comfortable because you don't want to create more problems. I am at the CHUG conference right now but I could have some time next week in the evening if you want me to walk you though it.
I don't know for sure if this will solve your problem but it sounds like issues i have heard before.
I'll give that a shot. This is my biggest frustration with GE, if they know this is an issue how hard would it be to remove the ability to change your columns. Forcing you to use the order and size set by the administrator would frustrate people, but it would be a lot less frustrating then constant crashes.
The only reason I hesitate to think that our problem is related to the column sets is that I get lots of my errors in the Payment Entry window (not Transaction Distribution). So it will be while I am entering the check # and amount. I have attached the error in case anybody else is suffering similarly.
Please let me know if you want me to walk you through this. I will be happy to help.
You may also want to consider this: Sometimes very long check numbers will cause this error. These usually occur with electronic remittances. If you can spot these and shorten the check number, the error will go away. Just another thought.
We are using Remote App to deploy CPS10. We were told by GE that RemoteApp will cause freezing and lock-ups. They recommended we use Citrix. We rolled it out to a few users and those users still experienced the freezing and lock ups.
Finally was able to get GE to connect with a user that is frequently kicked out when working with charge entry yesterday. Was told that it was a known issue and will be resolved in the next update. He was actually downloading the update for himself as we were speaking. He said it should be available soon.
Here are the errors my users receive that is supposed to addressed in the next update.
09/28/2012 08:45:33.585 ERROR Process Id #5684 Thread Id #30 [CExceptionLogging] Exception! Function: SEH Exception -- 0xC0000005 - Access Violation
09/28/2012 08:45:33.586 ERROR Process Id #5684 Thread Id #30 [CExceptionLogging] Exception! Function: SEH Exception -- 0xC0000005 - Access Violation
09/28/2012 08:45:33.586 ERROR Process Id #5684 Thread Id #30 [CExceptionLogging] Exception! Function: SEH Exception -- 0xC0000005 - Access Violation
09/28/2012 08:45:33.586 ERROR Process Id #5684 Thread Id #30 [CExceptionLogging] Exception! Function: SEH Exception -- 0xC0000005 - Access Violation
09/28/2012 08:45:33.586 ERROR Process Id #5684 Thread Id #30 [CExceptionLogging] Exception! Function: SEH Exception -- 0xC015000F
09/28/2012 08:45:33.586 ERROR Process Id #5684 Thread Id #30 [CExceptionLogging] Exception! Function: SEH Exception -- 0xC015000F
09/28/2012 08:45:33.591 FATAL Process Id #5684 Thread Id #30 [ExceptionHandler] Error occurred in class SEH Exception, method CMBCChargeEntry::NextPVProcedure
09/28/2012 08:45:33.623 ERROR Process Id #5684 Thread Id #7 [CExceptionLogging] Exception! Function: SEH Exception -- 0xC0000005 - Access Violation
09/28/2012 08:45:33.623 ERROR Process Id #5684 Thread Id #7 [CExceptionLogging] Exception! Function: SEH Exception -- 0xC0000005 - Access Violation
09/28/2012 08:45:33.623 ERROR Process Id #5684 Thread Id #7 [CExceptionLogging] Exception! Function: SEH Exception -- 0xC015000F
09/28/2012 08:45:33.624 ERROR Process Id #5684 Thread Id #7 [CExceptionLogging] Exception! Function: SEH Exception -- 0xC015000F
09/28/2012 08:45:33.624 ERROR Process Id #5684 Thread Id #7 [CExceptionLogging] Exception! Function: SEH Exception -- 0xC015000F
09/28/2012 08:45:33.624 FATAL Process Id #5684 Thread Id #7 [ExceptionHandler] Error occurred in class An exception was generated in SEH Exception and caught in CMainFrame::OnCmdMsg in file .\MainFrame.cpp on line 1369, method CMainFrame::WindowProc - Visit (An exception was generated in SEH Exception and caught in CMainFrame::OnCmdMsg in file .\MainFrame.cpp on line 1369)
Unknown error 0xC015000F
We just upgraded to – is anyone having issues since the upgrade? We are having all kinds of issues and have now been down for 2 days resulting in the HP server needing to be replaced! This appears to be hardware only related but was not sure if there were others who have been up and using this version who could chime in....
Any information is greatly appreciated!!!!
This is terrible news Faerie_Autumn! 🙁
GE has advertised this as a big SP that fixes a lot of stuff, but we are holding off for the exact reason you are experiencing. I do not trust brand new service packs until they have been extensively tested in actual production environments (too scared to be the guinea pig)
Yes it is! Basically, we have HP rebuilding the entire server - hope to have DB restored in the middle of the night for testing. I will repost our actual application experience as I have it available. It does not thus far appear to be application related though - hardware break down only at this point!
So was this a hardware issue you had or something caused by the service pack installation? I can't imagine the SP install breaking anything with the OS or hardware. I'd be interested in feedback on, but I think this sounds like an unfortunate hardware incident/coincidence and not necessarily anything to do with the service pack. I have my fingers crossed that this service pack will do us some good. The list of fixes is pretty extensive!
We were in process of testing the new upgrade in Prod after completion when the server went down. The application did not cause the hardware to fail. The only issue we experienced in TEST was the patient banner going to blank and not holding unless you had the check box selected for the standard banner. Cannot verify yet if it is replicated in PROD. Hope to have updates by end of week.
Thanks for the update! Sorry for your bad luck with the hardware. I've been there and know it's no fun. Good luck with finishing up your upgrade.
So, we were down a whole week and lost 1.5 days of data. HP was onsite for 18+ hours rebuilding the server... had to have 3 motherboards replaced.
We restored our database over the last weekend and were up for 1.5 days and have now been down again since Tuesday. The same issue is occuring but may not be hardware alone - we have engaged Microsoft as it appears there is an issue now with the OS and sql server... It has deleted our production database again and we will most likely lose another 2 days of data.
I will send along another update as soon as we know what is going on!
Good news though is that it still does not appear to be related to the actual CPS application or the upgrade!
Faerie_Autumn said:
So, we were down a whole week and lost 1.5 days of data. HP was onsite for 18+ hours rebuilding the server... had to have 3 motherboards replaced.
We restored our database over the last weekend and were up for 1.5 days and have now been down again since Tuesday. The same issue is occuring but may not be hardware alone - we have engaged Microsoft as it appears there is an issue now with the OS and sql server... It has deleted our production database again and we will most likely lose another 2 days of data.
I will send along another update as soon as we know what is going on!
Good news though is that it still does not appear to be related to the actual CPS application or the upgrade!
We have been having the same issues since we upgraded. We had problems with the upgrade. Then our server sent down. We were down for four days total. Three motherboards later, the server was rebuilt. We then had problems restoring from backup. After 1 1/2 days of additional downtime, we got our backup restored. We were then live for two days when we went down again and our database disappeared. Microsoft is looking into this as a potential SQL issue. Our IT people have their money on this being an application issue.
Good Afternoon ALL,
Please note that the above posts from myself and gfailla are regarding the SAME practice!
Thank you!