We are planning to upgrade to CPS 12 in a few weeks. Does anyone have known issues or bugs in 12? I have already seen the post about the printer issues and the pending approval for medications not working properly.
I am concerned more for crashes, freezing etc. while working in CPS.
Any feedback will be helpful!!!
@guilfordmedical.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">acorbean@guilfordmedical.com
In addition to the printing preferences issues, the problem search is still horribly dysfunctional, but you are probably used to that if you are on 11.
There is a bug with bulk import of charges on the PM side that is real irritating and causes you to get visits with hundreds or thousands of the same procedure billed. The work around for that is to import charges by going into the ticket and then importing there (not selecting many tickets and then retrieving charges for all of them at once.
As far as crashes or freezing, we have found that it's no worse than 10.1.3 although it is still not perfect. Launching the application takes longer now, but launching the chart once in is quick (they changed when the userlib stuff is all loaded).
We also have an ongoing problem since version 10 where we are being asked for medication overrides on documents that haven't made any changes whatsoever to the meds. This is real annoying when the user doesn't have permission to override meds. We even have the setting checked to carry forward the override reasons and it does not seem to work in all cases. Anyone else seen something like this?
That's all I can think of for now. Hopefully others can fill in the gaps. I am not sure when a service pack is due. At CHUG they said August, but then someone at support said a few weeks (but that was a few weeks ago).
There's a bug in billing when on the Charges tabs, and you are moving a procedure up or down in the ordered list. If you have enough procedures that you need to scroll down, it bugs out whenever an order is moved down or up past that point and moves your windows half way to the right. Our billers are furious about this because they rearrange a lot on that page and have to pull the scroll bar back to the left all the time.
We couldn't apply the MediSpan update when going from CPS 10 to CPS 12 on one of our databases. GE spent 2 days with us trying various things that made it worse. We ended up fixing it ourselves by creating a brand new virtual web server and it finally worked.
We have a random issue where users will freeze up if they use the "New" button on Orders under the diangosis list to add a new dx to associate to the order. The work around for now is to add it through the Problems module instead of the orders module. GE told us to recreate all of our custom lists to fix this, and we have yet to see this fix the problem.
We have seen lockups in the orders module too when adding a diagnosis. Glad to know we're not the only ones. I haven't been able to reproduce it with an exact series of steps. Just seems to happen sometimes - for us when I've seen it, they are always adding an order within an existing office visit. We usually end up having to add the order as part of a second chart update document.
Issues Experienced So Far:
1. Before your upgrade, run a query to get PID and Patient Race. Export this information to a flat file. Reason: We lost Patient Race for 90% of our patients during the upgrade and we now need to recover this information from a SQL backup. Reason: Certain races (ex: White) could not be converted to a valid race and were simply dropped. This is a known defect, but upgrading customers might not be informed. Save yourself some time later and export patient races...I believe the query syntax is: SELECT P.PId, R.Description FROM PatientProfile P INNER JOIN MedLists R ON P.RaceMId = R.MedListsId.
2. When performing a Medication Reconciliation, the patient's Primary Pharmacy auto-fills into the Prescription section...this also sets the Prescribing Method to Electronic, if this is an e-prescribing pharmacy. CPS 11 did this as well. The issue is that CPS 12 (unlike CPS 11) assumes that this means you want to prescribe (not always the case). When attempting to Save, CPS tells you that "Quantity cannot be 0". The workaround is that you will need to change the Prescribing Method to Historical. In addition to being inefficient and illogical, if the user enters a Quantity (as the system told him/her to do), the Medication will be e-prescribed, which is not what you want to do when the patient is simply telling you "Dr. Jones has me taking Prevacid."
3. In a chart update, the text format buttons (Bold, Italics, Underline, Justify, Bullets) no longer work. Your users will need to use keyboard shortcuts.
4. The Problem Search is still the mess it was in CPS 11.
5. Glad to hear that we aren't the only site experiencing random crashing...however, as stated above, it is no worse than previous versions.