Anyone experiencing chart opening slowness or slowness to fill in fields inside forms after sp 11 upgrade. We are a small site with Excellent server specs. 2 docs and support staff. Separate JBOSS and DB server. 32 GB Ram on JBOSS. We have never really seen this issue before. Everything works but really slow compared to previous.
Any help or solutions would be appreciated.
Are there any unsupported forms in your encounters? In SP 10 the Preventive Care-Female-CCC all of the sudden started delaying 3 to 6 sec when clicking through any forms that contained boxes (Vitals, Ros , PE, etc...) Once the form is removed for the forms lists the delays stops instantly.
I am noticing that SPR 62420 (Screen Shrinking) is not fixed in the SP 11 as noted. Once that screen shrinks I noticed delays in a lot of different places. Especially starting a new Document 15 + sec to actually display the new CCC Office Visit.
Have you opened a case with GE? We have had some slightly similar issues but nothing great to report yet.
I have seen a couple of threads now in regards to the slowness issue within SP11 and at least a dozen companies total complaining of slowness issues with SP11.
Brian, I have also seen a thread that multiple people believe that the patch for the Drug Interaction (DI) may have broke the fix for the screen shrinking.
SP 11 day one in our DEV environment seemed fine. Day 2 and beyond I am noticing slowness in certain areas. Mainly starting a new document and opening an On Hold document.
Thanks for the update Gene on the screen shrinking.
We've been having continual performance problems with 12.0.X. Did you upgrafe from SP 10 to 11 or from an earlier version?
Sorry I don't have much to offer. I'm not on SP11 yet but have heard this from a few people running SP11 but not everyone running SP11. Please keep us posted.
We did not notice slowing for the first 2-3 days but then symptoms came on with a vengence. We are slow to open new documents (sometimes more than 18 seconds) and When in a chart update fill out any form items can take a long time. GE tech support confirms that we have a problem and has assigned a DB specific engineer. Awaiting further answers.
Service Request #: 1-803507704
Date Reported: 12/30/2015 20:01:44.
We did not have this problem on any other 12.0.xx service packs.
Lots of chart locks
Lots of app crashes when signing updates with message
Error occurred in class, method CMLChartDoc::signUpdate
Will keep everyone posted
For those of you still having difficulties with CPS slowness issues, this is what was provided to us by a Senior Engineer at GE.
Run this query to determine how many charts you'll be dealing with that have an OBS list of more than 2500. Ours was in the thousands, and this query took roughly 3 1/2 minutes to complete.
Select pid, count(1) from obs where obs.ARCHIVE is NULL group by pid having Count(obsid) >2500
After this, you'll have a rough estimate of the amount of charts that need to be archived. The GE rep told us that this process needs to be run once a month to ensure stability. The procedure is called "Archive_Obs" and can be setup to run as a monthly job in SQL. The query is very simple and will clean up the charts in the system.
If you have ~1000+ charts that returned obs values of greater than 2500, you can expect this second query to take anywhere from 2-3 hours. It is intensive, and is designed to be run after hours.
Hope this helps some others.