More issues. eRx is coming back with errors.
Failed RefillResponse: Prescriber and prescribing agent must match; Failed State NY requires prescriber to be the same as his prescribing agent
Appending letters to secure messaging crashes CPS.
users are complaining about constant lagging.
lic08- Have you had anything positive come from the SP9 Patch 1 update?
We tried to install patch 1 last night because we are having such issues with crashing, almost to the point we can't function at times. Some of my provider are not using the system during the day for charting.
We installed CCC v9.1 Tuesday to resolve a flashing and screen minimizing issue many users were having. That seems to have resolved but now the forms are loading much slower.
When we installed Patch 1 the functionality of the HPI CCC forms didn't work. They would not refresh and give options without changing forms every time. We tried multiple HPI forms and we tired doing a clean install of the CCC forms just to be sure. The functionality was so bad we decided to back out of the Patch until we had more information. The CCC v9.1 form functionality seems to be working fine on SP9 without the patch other than moving at a snails pace while doing anything. Also I experienced a crash within the first five mins of testing.
Has anyone experience form functionality issues after the installation of Patch 1?
Anyone one SP9 Sans Patch 1?
We are scheduled to install SP9 Patch 1 this weekend. We are on CCC 8.3.8 This thread is making me think very hard about installing. Is there anyone who is on 8.3.8 with SP9 Patch 1? Is anyone getting SPRs for issues that they are experiencing in SP9.1. Has anyone had any specific improvments with 9.1? Does anyone have an updated coy of release notes for this. Mine is dated June 2015, but it does not include known issues.
PLEASE READ: There has been some confusion about the availability and purpose of SP9 patch 1, which is available to a very targeted set of customers. If you haven’t been contacted by GE Healthcare about this patch, then this patch is not for you.
The issues that patch 1 seeks to resolve were not introduced by SP9. Instead, this patch is intended to resolve older issues that have been difficult to reproduce in our environments.
This patch is not required in order to upgrade to SP9; in fact, it is not recommended for the vast majority of customers.
This patch is intended to test out solutions to some older, difficult-to-reproduce issues and is only in limited availability to customers who have experienced these issues.
GE Healthcare reaches out to early adopters with patches, like this one, to ensure that fixes are effective and stable. Once fixes are shown to be effective in a customer's environment, they are released in the next generally available service pack.
This patch is currently being evaluated by customers and is receiving the feedback that the limited availability process is designed to generate.
We hope this resolves the confusion regarding the purpose and availability of this patch. If you have any further questions, please contact Centricity™ support or your VAR representative.
The most frustrating thing to me about John's post to clarify the SP9 patch 1 questions, rumors, and misinformation is if GE would be forthcoming with version information, documentation, and detailed, accurate release notes in the first place, he wouldn't have needed make his post.
Where else might GE users be discussing this that won't be found and addressed by GE?
Since my last post we have been able to install patch 1. There are some major performance issues that I am not sure are related to the patch or cccv9.1. Either way those are terrible and the lag time it take to work through a chart has tripled in charts that have a lot of data. With the volume of patients that are seen in our office daily the performance issues are a major problem because most of our patients have a lot of data as we are primarily an internal medicine practice that treats the same patients with multiple problems. Since the patch install it has helped the crashing we were seeing. We are having issues with the CCC forms not refreshing since the patch install, this did not happen before the patch install. We did back out to make sure it was directly related then reinstalled. We have to change tabs every time we need to refresh a CCC form, for example the HPI or any form that has drop down sections to choose.