We are on CPS 12.0.12 right now and planning on upgrading to 12.2. This requires migrating from server2008 to 2012. Are there any documentation for this migration? I did it in the demo environment but it took me few days to get demo working. We cant have production environment down for few days.
This process requires migrating esm, docman and smpp as well. Are there any instructions on how to do that?
Thank you
I just finished testing an upgrade from cps11 to 12.2. I read all the documentation I could find including the upgrade guide and I don't remember seeing anything about needing SQL2012. In fact, I ran the whole upgrade in a test environment and it worked fine on SQL2008 (with latest service pack). Please let me know where you are seeing this because I don't want to get to the day of upgrade and have problems. Also, what do you mean by migrating esm, docman and smpp? Do you just mean that you are on old versions and will need to upgrade those as well? I haven't tested any of those add-ons in my test environment.
Only servers running clients need to be on Server 2012. I also would not recommend upgrading from 2008 to 2012 - perform new installs of 2012.
For eSM you just need to contact GE - they will handle the upgrade to (I believe) 4.1.6. This will run on 12.0.12 so can be performed pre 12.2. SMPP is also a separate upgrade, we did that in December. I'll have to look into the DM, that wasn't on my list so I may have missed it.
We are still on 12.0.12 in production, but have been testing 12.2 in our test environment for about a month now.
eSM is completely user upgradable. I believe the only thing you need to contact GE about is getting set up for ePrescibe for Controled Substances. I was able to preform our eSM upgrade on a slow day during clinic hours with no noticeable interruptions.
Yes you can, but GE can also push it out to automatically upgrade off hours which is what we did.
Sorry, I just realized the original post was about Windows Server 2008 vs 2012, not SQL Server. Still, I don't think you need to upgrade either one. Please correct me if that is wrong.
Steve Peterson
Circle of Life Women's Center
Thank you all for the responses. I have been out of office for a while and finally looking at these responses.
esm - we using 3.6 on server 2008R2 and SQL 2008R2. The esm documentation it is compatible with server 2012R2 and sql 2014. I am planning to upgrade to esm 4.1. in the existing server and migrate it to latest compatible server OS and SQL before microsoft stops support for older version. Upgrading esm seems like a straight forward process. However, migrating it to new server might be complicated. I am looking for instruction for this migration.
Same with docman and smpp all of them are in server 2008R2 OS and SQL 2008R2. I want to upgrade and migrate these auxiliary servers before planning 12.2.
SQL We have centricity 12.012 running on 2008R2 as well. According to CPS 12.2 upgrade documentation, it compatible with sql 2014.
App - When I upgraded demo to 12.2. I think 2008R2 did not work so i had to install 2012 for the app server
As for terminal server, GE has removed support for 2008R2 but we are already using server 2012R2 so that should not be a problem
basically I want to move to new server before Microsoft stops supporting 2008R2