Has anyone experienced working in CPS and it just goes away while working? No warning, no error, no pop up. Then the user has to log back in. Happens both on the PM and EMR side. Citrix Environment.
There is nothing that shows in error logs.
We have had some of our users report this occurring a small number of times. We usually either experience the Centricity Fatal Error and the corresponding record in the ErrorLog Table or the CPOPM06.exe Windows error, but I have had some reports of users saying that Centricity just closed on them with no errors.
Make sure 2 users aren't logging into the Windows computer as the same username. If so, Citrix and RDS will move the session from one computer to another. It just vanishes. The other issue with that is it pulls the user session to the other computer, regardless of who is logged in to CPS. So... if a doctor uses a generic Windows account, then launches CPS through Citrix/RDS, THEN a nurse logs into another computer with the same generic Windows account, the doctor's CPS session will pull to the nurses computer and she will now be documenting as the doctor.
In Citrix, there's a way to turn off session sharing but I've noticed with the generic accounts, it still seems to pull those sessions.