we are currently testing CPS12.3 in a test environment and we will start training providers and staff soon. I was wondering how we can test Rx renewal and train staff on this?
I understand that Surescripts eSM install can only interact with one CPS DB at a time and a customer can only have one instance of eSM running at a time.
Any thoughts on how we can test the Rx Renewal requests workflow in a test environment?
Thanks, Jude
Hey Jude-
SureScripts has a 'mock DC' environment available. If you have a SureScripts support account you can view it on this page-- https://support.surescripts.com/document/view/id=368
If you don't have an account the GE eSM support line can assist as well (I think).
We used it for testing with 12.2 and found it to work well.
Thank you Jon, We will try that.
Hey Jon,
We are setting this up but I am wondering how to test Rx renewal requests coming in from other systems?
We have Cerner as our pharmacy management system. I am not sure how to test that piece and make sure that messages are coming through. Also how to train on that piece without messages coming in?
I appreciate any help you can provide,
That I'm not sure on- I just know the eSM piece and responses from the SureScripts network. Integration outside of that would involve working with Cerner on setting up a separate 'test' connection.