I have been all over the stupid site but cannot find any of the CPS downloads. Since they switched up sites i've always had trouble. Please and thanks!
The order is Login->Community->Set the dropdown just under the purple banner on the left to Centricity Practice Solutions (its pretty well disguised)->Product Downloads-> Monthly Updates->CPS July 2019 Knowledgebase download. This is also the link
Well therein lies my problem. I only have "Centricity Perinatal" listed. Any idea's how to get that changed?
You probably have to open a case with support. I have the same three options I did previously, but my default for some reason is Centricity EMR, when I mostly just need Centricity Practice Solution. Its a bit of pain. Did that link work for you at least?
Yes, thank you!
I was able to click on 'Hi, Julie' on the top right hand corner of the home page, then 'My profile', and set my 'default community' to CPS. I've been happy to not have to change it every time. Hope this helps!